Legends of the Jedi Forums General Chat Obligatory "Who were you last timeline" thread
This topic has 427 replies, 69 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by Altrez.
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    • Aydenn Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 12:54 am #25754

      Hah, can’t even believe we got away still. I always think to myself how that was like the opening to A New Hope. CR-90 fleeing a capital ship. I had a lot of chances to kill you that I missed because you could sneak. I wanted to kill Saun pretty badly. All in good fun man.

    • Kirash Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 12:55 am #25756

      Zavulon – Empire/Purifiers – Kel Dor Combat Consular – Most likely my most known character.

      Zavulon was the only guy I got to train. I really did like him. Sorry I wasn’t around as often as I wanted to be to RP with you more. BTW, I knew you were going to betray me eventually. I tried to train in that fashion.

    • Corey Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:08 am #25759

      Yeah I wish we had more RP Kirash. But I took what we had and kind of used it to form the character.

    • wash Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:10 am #25760

      I played Loran, my first character for the last two/three weeks. I was in the Cartel for most of the time. I was a terrible employee. I RP’d personal morality issues with just about everything the Cartel did. I made tons of friends outside of the Cartel, and helped them/passed information to them whenever I felt it wasn’t a spyapp breach. I remained in the Cartel out of a sense of loyalty/desire to honor my word/respect for Vega/Preja, and consistently turned down opportunities to leave the Cartel.

      I got kidnapped by Velar on day 2 of playing, and by Spectre on day 5 of playing. I occasionally manned Shaika’s weapon station when he blew stuff up. The Maitrakh and I were the first two to explore the Imperial facility on Lorrd, got ourselves poisoned for 6k tics, and ended up naked and in the dark waiting for rescue. For a period of time, I was convinced the Noghri didn’t control the DarkSaber and went out of my way to try to find evidence that they weren’t involved. I got passed a lot of random, somewhat important intel and I distributed it as I saw fit (who dropped the message disk with the Adolphus/Devlin conversation?). I invited myself to a LOT of meetings.

      Sadly, Loran had an anti-climatic ending, as I had to leave in the middle of the first EoT mini-event and I screwed up some PvP for the group I was leading (before running off to suicide and leave the house). Sorry to those who were with me!

      Had a lot of fun RPing with everyone in the Cartel and Jedi Order (especially V), as well as Velar/Spectre/Grovuhk/Kaeri/Arithesuss/Validan.

      Special props to Vega/Zheng for teaching me to play and PvP.

    • Inactive
      July 21, 2015 at 1:13 am #25766

      Only had two characters of any real importance this TL.

      Dirg- Started out as a kiffar espi main in the republic, quit the republic after a while because it was straight up terrible, stopped playing for several months, came back and sat around unclanned for a while until Solei convinced me to join AEW, played around in AEW doing espi stuff (AEW was awesome by the way), eventually became Rev’s apprentice and all that went along with that until we got owned by Ulgo and his bunch, started talking to the jedi at which point they all decided to get killed, stopped playing for months, came back and joined the empire to do some spying, forced out of the empire by whoever the Tsurr sith was, finally got in contact with rebel people, gave the rebels a space station, played jedi/rebel until the ‘War’ was over and then suicided after getting tired of all the dumb shit going on after the war.

      Lanx- Ubese combatant I rolled to just mess around on. Worked as head of security of FEDG (Interesting idea that just never materialized) until I had to resign to play my alt in the rebellion. After killing off Dirg I stopped playing for months again and then came back and joined ARC after having an earlier conversation with Thea since she was the only person I’d found that spoke ubese. Was basically the only person in the security division while I was there, but It was fun. Died to the sith after boarding Carnage.

      Just as as a side note, Bai. I so badly wanted to kill Alene on Dirg. Even had the think logs to prove it.
      I thoroughly enjoyed my time at ARC messing with you and Dyanir on Lanx though.

    • Aydenn Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:15 am #25768

      It was fun RPing with you as well Wash, Loran was awesome. Keep up the good characters man!

    • veric Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:18 am #25769

      Sirresv Ix’var – Sluissi Leader+Science – Sluissi TEC Director of something or other. Science teacher to many! Ended up retiring to Sluis Van with his 23 children.

      Narravin Veynia – Hapan Engineer Guardian Jedi turned kinda-sorta-Dark Jedi – Very rewarding RP experience. Hindsight being 20/20 I am happy with how it all went out.

      Priiya Gallinore – Hapan Combat Main – I should have suicide her at the end of era1. Died a silly death. Was also directly involved in Galv’s ‘death’ on Alderaan.

      Niraya Juusep – Naboo Engineer – Imperial Taskmaster turned Rebel turned into space dust over Naboo. I really really enjoyed this character since it let me be just outright evil without being over the top and obvious about it to everyone. I mixed with Sith (helped keep track of Imperial sensitives for some of them,) arranged assassinations of people whose names I no longer remember, did some espionage with her, developed some fun things like ‘force goo’ that gave people Force for 15.6 seconds before they blew up (RP’d but it was a running gag in developments) and I also helped develop the Murder Sphere (not the deathstar damnit! murder sphere!) Wanted to give being the Overseer of RnT a try but by then I was just dragging my feet waiting for spyapps to clear. Also it drove me nuts people thought she was Hapan.

      Olin/Arron – Balosar Espi – ISB v1.0 Mass suicide because we were bored with crushing rebels. Created the Imperial Ship database with this character.. marked down almost every single ship.

      Xiban – Balosar Espi – Imperial ISB 2.0 Helped track down and get the docking and hanger codes for almost all the known space stations. At that point of the era ISB was just sorta boring as era fatigue was deeeeeep.

      Lannah – Corellian Slicer – of [L]annah’s electronics on Arkania! Few people clued in I was playing a ‘retard.’ Lannah was slow and a bit touched in the head after an accident. At the start she was my experiment to see if I could play the most neutral character ever and see if people assumed I was part of one clan or the other.. surprise both sides thought I was up to something when I went out of my way not to be! She was just ‘really super nice’ to everyone and like Pa used to say if you are not nice you just shouldn’t get out of the bed in the morning.

      Renee Orelon – Hapan Combat – Product of what happens when a Hapan grows up in a Corellian ghetto. She was a very fun experiment to see how people would react to someone who ‘grew up under state care.’ Calladin by far had the most interesting reaction. I’m told I gave Brendo quite a show once. I also really really regret her earlier stutter. Eventually I uh learned to erm well you know add in little details to erm uh yeah enhance it a bit instead of er yeah periods every second hrm word.

      Kithel Roon – Alderaanian Slicer – I had a LOT of fun with silly fox news style broadcasts early in era3 and the over the top smear campaign during the Naboo elections and during the CiS era as the ‘leader’ of the Theed Chamber of Commerce. I played him as a petty business man who was very loyal to his ‘adopted planet.’ At the end he was my attempt at Gandhi with the Cartel stuff. Pacifist to the extreme unwilling to commit to violence. I planned on doing more with him but the lack of give-a-rats-ass about Naboo and the Cartel drove me to OOC apathy with that character so he was ‘shot’ and fled to Alderaan where he faded into obscurity. I was also in the Noghri clan so I wasn’t able to take the Cartel’s offer to run Naboo so we just winged all the news changes. I rather enjoyed the back and forth between @Brendo/Preja and I.

      Vuren Tresk – Mon Cal Leader+Engy – Abidal (of Incom) child out of wedlock! Had a lot of fun with that.

      Ayrlirkh ‘Priest’ Vrak’shir – Noghri Combat – My neglected Noghri. I only really played it during the last month of the TL. I played her as a religious nut and mostly made up the Path stuff on the spot so it was literally different every time. Had a lot of fun with the EoT quest but ended up getting stuck on the darksaber after our pilot messed up and brought the saber to the rest of the fleet for too long. We cracked out the EoT quest pretty quickly after we found the 5 datacards. In the end lasted about 2 minutes against the Death Star. We planned on dying at the end anyways so that worked out well in the end. Also to repeat the answer I had for @Corey on tinychat.. we obviously didn’t think we ‘drove’ Zavuulon off of Kashyyyk or Devlin from Naboo. It was played with intentional over the top delusional confidence that the ‘Gods’ helped us win. That is my religious nut did : Spin things and give half truths.

      and … dun dun dun.
      Lucretia ‘Tia’ Maires – Hapan Smuggler – Bar owner of everyone’s favorite do nothing bar! The bars original purpose was to help new players with emote/RP skills and I did accomplish that with some people. It was also there to give people non-serious RP downtime during the era fatigue.. however unfortunately what happened is people turned ‘sometimes non-serious rp’ into ‘all the time non-serious rp.’ Like it or not the place was popular with many many people as at one point I had 8-10 people in there a night and had more ’employees’ than some clans had @players. We also had most of Dac Industries as regulars. We had a bunch of successful fluff RP nights such as the 15 person masquerade, the ‘live shows,’ the silly name the drink competition etc etc. Had a blast with the INTENTIONALLY silly adverts. Overall it was a fun experience. Some of you may have hated it but yaknowwhat? We had fun and frankly my fun outranks ya’lls in my books. You RP your thing we RP our thing. Oh also while she was also friends with a lot of Cartel she also was very close to a few Jedi (Jym and Corvus and friendly with Bandas.) Unfortunately when she tried to help the Jedi against the Cartel and Purifiers they didn’t trust her. Price of the company you keep right? I was going to try and be a ranger to avenge Jym but frankly Shadow/QS didn’t like her or the whole bar so I didn’t bother.

      funny fact about her: Originally I was going to be a ship thief on her which started the 24/7 disguising thing. Eventually she became well known enough with the Corellia alpha pad music/dance performances, then the Corellia Chuba and finally the Hutta Chuba that I just couldn’t drop the ‘Tia’ personality and disguise. I also didn’t want everyone to know she could disguise. Granted for those who ‘know’ how to look it was obvious she was disguised but I managed to stick to the ‘Tia’ disguise with only her IC sister Dibella, Dennis, Jym and Teeubo getting her actual dub directly. To those who thought they were clever knowing her ‘real’ name… I had two vendors and ships I openly traveled in registered to me. You were not being clever and using ‘Tia’ wasn’t an obfuscation.

    • Seryb Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:48 am #25774

      Era 1: Talis Korato Zalori: Prince of Hapes, he was loyal to his family to the core. I tried to play him as a Tyrion/Jamie Lannister mix. When I apped for him I wanted to extend the olive branch to the Republic and try to work together. Was in there base on at least once occasion and on Coruscant/Corellia often. I was the guy who took Kashyyyk in the middle of the night with Paco I think. AEW’s security chief (echani female can’t remember the name) at the time was fun to RP with until she decided to try and blow me up in our cells after AEW stepped out of line. Was the only perm I regret on Talis. After the Republic killed his sister he wanted nothing but revenge the Republic didn’t deliver the culprits so he and Jace (Xavious you’re a boss) teamed up to kill the raiders on Hapes Prime before he went to Kashyyy to destroy Republicans. Ended up dying waiting for one of my guys to get on a shuttle after we took down Ocerion. That was a great day, Talis ended with 10 or so perms and 6 or 7 came that day. I wish I would have had more time on him, he was amazingly fun to play. Baxtalo, Paco, Neven, Amiga and Flek, you guys made this character so amazingly fun so shout out to you all.

      My only other semi-notable era 1 character was Torrin Matirix, ithorian engineer who founded PRoC and developed the Coruscanti Powersuit. Life got in the way and my planned war against the Hapans fell apart with it. I do remember how I permed Quorcore with him and it was oh so satisfying (Thanks for the hand delivery on that one QS)

      Era 2: Era 2 life was still in the way for the most part. I had Martyn Rork, the givin forcer who I RP’ed like shit IMO. I could never decide how I wanted him to be played and that’s why I never fully liked him. I had lots of fun playing with you though Bai, sorry I wasn’t all that good at times. In the end when I started to get into him again I stupidly died fakesignaling a battlestation in hopes of turning it into a home for Veric and I to start a new order/rebellion.

      Galgrehk was technically an era 2 character but I didn’t play him that much till era 3.

      Era 3: Galgrehk K’urrz was my favorite character of era 3. You guys voting for Jamilyn over him still blows my mind. That campaign speech was amazing! He was active in the Cartel the whole era and was the only non-forcer willing to fight Shadow on his own. Both times it ended badly, the last of which I was quickly permed by Khaon after getting beat b. His RP with the Cartel clanmates was priceless especially Teeubo, Vega and Shaika. Whoever it was that was accusing Galgrehk of killing that CSA member, he totally did it. He also offed Binadas, which Mhur got accused of. Galgrehk all in all didn’t kill many people but was always willing to go out and serve the Cartel. My cartel buddies you guys were all awesome!!!

      Khal Da’vir: Muun engineer, Director of Mechatech. Killed by Aydenn’s shitterness and Sauns bad shooting after Velar obviously ejected. You guys should both pat yourselves on the back. 😉

      Char and Dee Mac-Dennis: Special shout out to Dibella. Whoever you played you will always be awesome because you instantly recognized CharDee MacDennis from always sunny. <3. This dude was Cartel from the very beginning, I got so much info off you Alliance guys it was great. One time you were blockading a world and I jumped in to check out your fleet and see how close you were to Ord Mantell. You let me land and refuel, Zheng came in and ran your blockade while I went to Lorrd and ran your other one. That was a really funny day, I’m not sure who all knew he was Cartel in the end but I’d wager for the majority of his career it was very few people. Whoever blew me up repeatedly on Corellia (Looking at Shen and Velar) you guys had excellent but terrible luck. I was passed out drunk those nights but then went LD from timeout. 😛 Whoever played Lucretia, Dibella and Teeubo you guys were all a blast to RP with.

      Xavious, Oteri, Baxtalo, Neven, Amiga, Paco, Flek, Bai, DawnChaos, and so many others you made these era’s and TL on a whole great. Cheers to you all. Era 1 and 3 will always be my favorite for the differing crews we had that stomped the opposition. Cheers to a great TL.

    • Seryb Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:55 am #25775

      LoL, apparently I took a decade to write my post. Veric, that’s two chars we RP’d on. Sorry Rork died on you and wasn’t all that great. :P. To anyone I might’ve missed in my post I apologize in advance I RP’d with a lot of you and it’s hard to keep track.

      Also quicksilver even though I hated you for picking on non-forcers from the Cartel the Republic army didn’t do anything so it makes sense. You were a good enemy to fight against and we always had to watch for you.

    • coffinc Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 1:58 am #25776

      Era 1 (all of them)

      Cleander – Lorrdian Ultramarine Space Marine. Huge armor, huge attitude, but Flek and his paranoia really kept me from doing anything interesting from basically day 1.

      Ripsin – Kubaz Espi who did nada.

      Sorrin Adasca – Senatorial Candidate for Arkania that people were super nice to. Not. You were all raging meta shitheads and it made me really despise a bunch of you.

      Clunk – CHEF OF PLASTIK SERJERY, Gammorean medical main. Gave out business cards. Never actually got anyone to go under the knife.

    • Paco Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 2:09 am #25778

      I remember when Galgrehk died. He was permed (basically) because the doors in the Alliances jail weren’t bash_proof.

    • Paco Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 2:10 am #25779

      Oh I also played Aiden Orelon. I ran something like 500 million credits worth of cargo over his lifetime.

    • Aydenn Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 2:11 am #25780

      It was some good shitterness, Seryb. Had a great time with Galgrehk on Grovuhk. Remember who saved his ass from Shadow. 😛 Lived a lot longer cause o that lol.

    • Alevious Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 2:29 am #25782

      Oh hey. I forget who I played in era 1. But here’s some I played.

      Dorel Kheph: My Smuggler main Zabrak combatant. Got to be the storm commander after Velar left. Killed two jedi in a ship with a grenade on this guy due to microphones and some footwork tracking them down in a ship in a ship. lol. Really liked this guy. Was able to fight very well with only having about 110 combat levels. Died because I’m dumb and I walked into a no taxi zone without scanning XD.

      Sien Shoa: My suicidal slicer who didn’t allow himself to carry a weapon because he might kill himself. This guy was also a lot of fun to play. Was pretty active for a while but when the Empire fell I kinda stopped playing him much. Still made cameo appearances here and there.

      Gortrog: Gammorrean for the Empire. Started off as a thug hired by InCom to send a message to someone and had a run in with the Jedi, ended up joining the Empire afterwards. Had the character like Calladin for his work with non-humans and when the Empire tried to kill Calladin I went to save him, but in doing so got jumped by the Rebellion and killed.

      Zaarwaroo: Light side Jedi, peacewalker, tried to play him as someone who wouldn’t stand for injustices and who saw tons of problems with the Alliance and the way they did things. Ended up joining the Cartel and he was pretty much labeled a bad guy by a lot of people, but he wasn’t. Over time he became more and more upset with the Jedi and their inability to find cohesion. By the end he was starting to turn his back on the Jedi. Literally everything I did with this guy to try to restore or make peace with the Jedi was snubbed, so he ended up just being a loner. Had tons of problems with Aelius ‘Shadow’ XD. Honestly didn’t really enjoy playing this guy because he ended up being a very lonely character who no-one ever wanted to finish training and the people he grew as a character with all turned their backs on him or had some bad impression of him.

      Ended up suiciding all my characters a few weeks ago and just deciding to wait till the next timeline.

    • neven Participant
      July 21, 2015 at 4:16 am #25788

      Btw the Jedi knew that the Noghri had the weapon since July 14th.

      Edit: We had hard evidence, at least.

      literally anyone at all could have gotten it if they just did the quest but a lot of people I tried to get interested in it just wanted to derp around and not listen so I said fuck it. You missed out, the quest was amazing and awesome and even blew the era 1 quest for a cortosis blade and orbalisk bracers out of the water. I honestly feel a bit bad for solving it so quick but I spent like two full days doing nothing to let others get in on it and nobody did shit, so here’s a shoutout to the imms for the awesome designing and building even if there were a couple quirks and I’m sorry more people didn’t appreciate your work.

      Edit: Likewise with the era 1 quest since I had that solved by the time other people started going “hey what are these devices?”

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