Legends of the Jedi Forums General Chat The "Races Next Timeline" Thread
This topic has 51 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by cnemus.
Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)
    • Corey Participant
      March 25, 2013 at 9:21 pm #21381

      Well, its suppose to be illegal to reroll for luck, so I can’t really imagine the staff implementing that ability.

    • Falcon Participant
      April 5, 2013 at 8:15 am #21448

      What races are over played and why?

      -Like what a few people have already said, it just depends. They seem to go through phases. Might never see a Bothan, someone finally rolls it and then suddenly a few people go, ‘Oh yeah! I should make a Bothan.’



      What races don’t get played and why?

      -This is something I can’t really answer mostly because I’ve never really paid attention what race doesn’t get played much. From my experience and what I can remember, I don’t ever recall seeing a Bith, Baragwin or Givin.



      What should the free races be?

      -Again, most people tend to enjoy the free races and I agree. The spread is even and selection mixed. Another point I agree with is maybe every so often, mix in a race that doesn’t cost much. IE Falleen, Quarren, etc.



      What races have bad level spreads? What races have overpowered level spreads?

      -I don’t follow stat trends as well as others so I couldn’t say.



      What races should just get removed?

      -Jawas. I’ve never agreed with being able to play as a Jawa. It’s not to say that you COULDN’T find a Jawa off Tatooine, but it’s highly unlikely. Simply put, they should just GTFO.

    • neven Participant
      April 5, 2013 at 7:58 pm #21449

      I think I’ve seen like one Givin and one Devaronian, but no Kubaz. I think underplayed races, considering a lot of people just (role)play humans in the body of race x, is mostly just about the mechanical benefits of a race versus how much it costs.


      Instead of nerfing races/items over the course of next TL could we start off with everything sucking and making everything better over the course of time so things aren’t arbitrarily better just by virtue of having existed in era 1?

    • Zeromus Participant
      April 5, 2013 at 8:05 pm #21450

      RE: Things getting better

      From what I understand, that’s how it’s going to be. The thing that happened this TL was due to a certain imm’s inability to balance whatsoever.

      I’ve seen multiple Kubaz, at least three Givin, and at least three Devaronians which is more than most races.

    • neven Participant
      April 5, 2013 at 8:18 pm #21451

      RE: RE: Things getting better.


    • Helix Participant
      April 13, 2013 at 5:23 pm #21545

      I had one of the first Zeltron when they were introduced way back when, that was fun. 🙂

    • cnemus Participant
      April 13, 2013 at 6:48 pm #21559

      My personal ideal racial breakdown would involve reasonable selections, and opportunity to choose, for every class in each tier of point cost (free, 1/deposit, cost). The coolest most wanted races should cost you points. Playing a whiphid is a choice like playing a forcer. Save your points for what you want to play. Some people want the RP of the race, some want the advantages, some want force. Its the choice that I think the points are there for.

      The things that warrant that expense are extensive RP requirements, rarity of occurrence (in canon), and statistical advantages. Regen, invisibility, high hps, or high racial levels in something like bounty hunting warrant needing to spend to play that race.

      I’d also like to see fewer app only races and just bump the cost. An app requirement is enough to put me off of a race. A trickle of rare races, with a 5000/5000 cost or something might be a solution, or more even for the ‘extinct’ races. Let people app to bypass the cost if they don’t have it. There’s always stragglers in canon popping up but it should be hugely rare.

      Most overplayed/seen this TL was Gand to me. I like the Gand RP but when they are all over the place we lose the significance of it. I think the reason is their +BH/+Smug combined with 1000 cost (pretty much going to make that back). I tend to think of anything with 1000 or less cost (regardless of the deposit) as no risk. Deposits are hard for new players to come up with but pretty easy for long time players to dish out and know they’ll get back. I sorta think deposits are good for RP heavy races, cost is good for statistical benefits, both for both.

      I love me some Jawa. They’re the tinkerers of the galaxy and not able to defend themselves (very well). If one can rise to power and keep it, more power to ’em.

      The races that don’t get played seem to me to be the ones that do not have a clear niche. Increasing the min/max of the +levels to make them stand out a little more might work. I like all the races we have but think we could get a lot more distance out of them by making sure each one has a specific reason to play them. Racial fire sales were great. If whatever isn’t getting played gets occasional attention from a temporary discount along with a “Draethos, good hps and functional levels whatever your main!” Gets around, that might help people realize all the great gems we’ve got.

      I saw pretty much everything this timeline I think. Tweaking is good, but overall the only thing I think would be essential is pricing up overplayed races and down costing underplayed.

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