Legends of the Jedi Forums The Brainstormtorium Clan Command Metagaming Pt 2
This topic has 53 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Paco.
Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)
    • Telestrial Participant
      April 14, 2014 at 12:50 pm #24017

      Maybe instead of griping about what’s not fixed you should be thankful you have people willing to work on the game at all. Last I checked LOTJ’s average staff salary starts $0 and scales at a rate of $0 per year. The people you are complaining to have fixed probably HUNDREDS of different bugs and added tons of features, but here you are focused on a roster bug that is AT MOST a slight inconvenience to a very small number of people.

    • frumpalumpaguss Participant
      April 14, 2014 at 12:57 pm #24018

      I just want to point out (again) this wasn’t a post to bring up the bug, it was post designed to remove resign from the roster/induct log.

    • veric Participant
      April 14, 2014 at 1:09 pm #24019

      They better pay taxes on that salary.

    • Quicksilver Participant
      April 14, 2014 at 9:14 pm #24024

      I enjoy that it’s being called a bug and being discussed endlessly but the simple fact that people could just be asked to be better seems to not even be worth consideration.

    • Baxtalo Participant
      April 16, 2014 at 10:15 am #24025

      Just as a reminder:

      We already got member counts obscured, which is fantastic. I have also noticed “CHECK INDUCTLOG DID HE RESIGN” when someone goes missing. I think we could reduce some level of metagaming and make sudden disappearances more mysterious by removing resignations from inductlog but keeping inducts/outcasts on there.

      I personally don’t want to immediately know if someone is dead or resigned, I think someone leaving a clan should be investigated as a roleplay opportunity instead of having that opportunity immediately cut off by my magic datapad “are they dead” command.

      perhaps an option to ‘resign’ and ‘resign quietly’ should be implemented. that way formal/approved resignations are not questioned as they would be on record and those who resign for other reasons(fake death,just want to disappear, etc) their RP reasons can still be maintained.

      This is still something that could go a long way toward adding levels of RP, at least on an investigative level when someone disappears from a roster. Not knowing if they’re dead or if they have fled from your clan is a question which shouldn’t be so easily answered in a large galaxy!

      I would be more of a fan of seeing it implemented toward major clans (as their memberships are larger and harder to keep exact track of) and not an option available for minor clans, which tend to have a smaller roster and are generally are not the sort of people you would be defecting from.

    • Merrycheeza Participant
      April 19, 2014 at 12:58 pm #24045

      I could see bounty hunters actually being of real use in this regard, instead of just getting lylek parts or hired to kill people. They could be hired to find out what happened to people.

    • Kirash Participant
      April 19, 2014 at 5:20 pm #24046

      Which people could actually do as things are now if anyone really cared to do that. As it stands, people only want to use BHs for three things: Clan special forces, getting lylek parts, and actual bounty hunting a distant third. Of course, part of this could be blamed on how people play BHs too.

      Personally, I suppose I can see some point to removing resignations from induct/outcast since it is technically neither. Plus, if I’m ever in a clan that has strict rules on leaving, it would be nice to just bow out quietly when I can’t stand them anymore.

    • Walldo Keymaster
      April 21, 2014 at 11:41 pm #24050

      I do think that kind of instantaneous ability to metagame (“their shop is empty!”) puts the opposition (whatever the era) at a disadvantage. I like having resign show up on inductlog, but maybe there’s a 24 hour delay in it being displayed?

      If we’re just brainstorming fun ideas, maybe some kind of slicer tool/skill to silently take people out of clans.

    • Paco Participant
      April 29, 2014 at 2:10 pm #24059

      Sooo… essentially:

      -Remove resignation logs from inductlog (if you really want to know you can keep copies of the roster and do some investigations to determine who is gone and then have people determine why and how)

      -No longer have shops become unowned after someone dies, make it the responsibility of the clan to close the shop after it becomes empty and is no longer used

      -Have phomes become unowned a week after someone dies (or so) to make it less obvious that “erhmahgerd they’re dead!”

      -Personally I think there should be a skill that hunters have to determine how long ago someone was in a certain place. I feel they should be able to walk into a room, look around, sniff some stuff, and then suddenly say “George was here… more than a week ago, but less than two weeks ago.” and then make up some shit about how they know.

Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)
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