Yavin IV Assaulted


Breaking News: An Eclipse Dreadnought Assaults Yavin IV.

[*] GNI BREAKING NEWS REPORT [*] A clearly unsettled anchor appears beside an image of a near-black wedge-shaped vessel. "Ahem. Today, GNI have obtained footage of a fleet engagement in the relatively unknown Gordian Reach, home to the Rebel Alliance base Yavin IV." The anchor is replaced by a video roll.

The video opens to an extensive firefight above the moon Yavin IV. No fewer than ten battleship-class vessels from the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance are firing volleys of turbolasers at an approaching vessel. That vessel, a dark, wedge-shaped ship in the fashion of an exceptionally large Imperial Star Destroyer, appears to be holding its fire, picking off incoming squadron fighters. The camera zooms in to focus on a single CR-90 vessel shooting out of the hangar of the enemy ship, a battalion worth heavy repeater fire chasing it out but having no apparant impact. Then, suddenly, the upper spine of the Eclipse-class vessel's hull glows a bright green as a single laser beam fires from it toward one of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers in orbit. The blast pierces its shields effortlessly and slices from the forward hull clear through its bridge tower, engulfing the remainder in explosions.

Later, from the vantage point of another ship, the massive vessel is now in orbit of Yavin IV, which it strikes with the same weapon. A shockwave can be seen racing across the surface of Yavin IV from the area of impact, leaving only barren ground in its wake. Later, an enormous plume of molten rock spews out of the place where the beam hit Yavin IV. Much of it is shooting across the atmosphere, recaptured by the moon's gravity, but much is also leaving a trail of debris in near orbit. Then, as the debris from the immediate impact clears, the surface of half of the moon appears completely barren. Most of the hemisphere around the impact site is now criss-crossed by massive gashes of molten rock.

The anchor re-appears. "Representatives from the Galactic Empire have confirmed that the Grand Admiral, also known as Warlord, Tharon Vale was in command of the destroyed Imperial vessel shown in the earlier footage. In addition, after the attack, the following audio transmission was picked up from unauthorized frequencies:"

"I offered a single chance to bow down willingly. The Rebel Alliance vowed to fight me. And so, I have rendered their planet unusable for all to see. And who stood by these 'heroes'? The Galactic Empire itself. Weak fools who claim the Sith mantle for their own. It will be ripped from their hands next."
Author Klor
Categories news press release
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