Wroonian Report


A live feed of the events occurring on Wroona

A Galactic News Incorporated emblem flickers on the screen, before cutting to a professionally dressed Chagrian male, standing before Wroona's Capitol building. "This is political correspondent Dal Alajama, reporting from the ground on Wroona, where there seems to be ongoing internal division in the Wroonian Governing Council as some events have begun to transpire over the past several days." As he continues, several video feeds begin playing behind him, "With increased pressure from The Galactic Empire, and reports of Imperial agents quietly inducing criminal activity, it seems as though the governing council is being caught between a metaphorical rock and a hard place." Behind him, shaky video plays of a transaction in one of Wroona's many alleyways and the feed zooms in to show a credit envelope with the Imperial cog marked on the corner. "With crime making a comeback on Wroona over the last few months, the Empire seems to be taking full advantage of the situation, positioning troops throughout Trade City and declaring it within the jurisdiction of the Empire."

The video feed shifts to an orbital camera highlighting the Victory-II Class Star Destroyer 'Reckoning' intercepting all traffic to and from Wroona, before cutting to video of two Imperial troopers demanding to see a civilian's chain code, then rushing after him into a shop. Blue flashes of blaster stun bolts can be seen from outside, and moments later the troopers reappear, carrying the unconscious Wroonian. "No matter what the future holds for Wroona, it is clear that the governing council is unable to act within the bounds of their historical neutrality, considering the pressure being exerted by the Empire in recent days. We spoke with a member of the Wroonian Governing Council and former chief of the Trade City police force who has just returned from a emergency family leave and had this to say -" The camera cuts to previously recorded footage of Dal Alajama interviewing a blue-skinned wroonian bearing dress fatigues and a white beard. "This whole action is deeply concerning. First they bomb our world, then they stir up the local mafias against each other as a pretext to send their own troops in? Deeply troubling, indeed. Have you ever seen the Empire willingly withdraw their troops from a world once deployed? No, I fear their goal is nothing other than conquest, as they did by force on Lorrd against the populace there." "Well, no matter what the future holds, I will remain GNI's voice on the ground, continuing to report on the goings on. This is Dal Alajama, signing off."
Author Klor
Categories news press release
Views 374

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