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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Level 130 Engineering Skill
Syntax: restring <covering about armor> <description>
restring <upper layer armor/container> <new string>

This is used to set the description you assume when wearing both a covering
helmet and a covering suit of body (about) armor, or to completely change
the string of a piece of uppermost layer armor or container to have a custom

A good example of a string for covering armor would be `A being in Golden
Plated Armor`.

You MUST make the restrung description descriptive of a type of armor.
Please do not specify age, race, gender, or anything else not related
directly to the armor itself. Failure to follow this requirement could
result in your character being disallowed from using the skill.

Examples of Bad Covering Armor Restrings:
`A being in an Elegant Dress` - Dresses do not hide a person's identity
`A man in a pair of overalls` - What if a woman wears it? Don't include gender.
`A human in a business suit` - Has species in it. A Jawa could put it on.
`Someone in a suit of armor` - Uses the special keyword Someone.

You will also notice that none of these are actually armor.


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