Help File Repository


This is a searchable database for every help file in the game


What is the intelligence limit, you may be wondering. To put it simply, it is a
way to ENFORCE through code a certain level of intelligence, or lack thereof,
upon certain characters. Races such as Gammorean and Whiphids are limited in
their speech IC to 3 words at a time. For instance, if they tried to do 'say I
am so cool' it would fail to go through, warning them to keep the sentences to
three words or less.

A similar effect is found if you have 12 or less intelligence. Your sentences
will be limited. Don't be lazy, go find a teacher to train your int, or pick a
smarter race! Any attempts to bypass this system will be dealt with harshly.

Channels affected: talk/yell/whisper/clantalk/say/sayto/broadcast

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