Help File Repository


This is a searchable database for every help file in the game


*AFK - this adds an 'Away From Keyboard' flag to your name.

*CONFIG - lists all the config options available to you.

*DESCRIPTION - you can write a description for your character.

*PASSWORD <old> <new> - changes your password.

*TITLE <sentence> - changes the sentence behind your name.

*SAVE - saves your progress (good idea to do it often).

*PRACTICE <skill, power, weapons> - trains you to use a skill, power, etc.
*NOTE* Typing PRACTICE will show you all your powers, skills, etc.
HELP <power, skill, etc> - will explain the power, skill, etc.

*SLIST - lists the powers you will receive and at what level.

*QUIT - quits the game.

*! - will repeat the last command.

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