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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Syntax: duty <troop/all> <command> <extra parameters>
Syntax: squad <troop/all> <command> <extra parameters>

Follow/group/add: Instruct a trooper to join your squad.
Use/equip: Instruct a trooper to wear or wield an item.
Remove/unequip: Instruct a trooper to remove an item.
Get: Have the trooper get something.
Drop: Have the trooper drop something.
Set: Change the settings on a blaster.
Battery: Reload a blaster.
Open/Close: Open or close something, respectively.
Use: Use or activate something.
Kill/attack/murder: Instruct the trooper to attack a target
Block: Instruct the trooper to block a direction
Dismiss/Leave: Have the trooper leave your squad.

Troops are soldiers recruited by clans from various planets. They represent the
armies that you, the players, can command. Different planets give different
types of troops, with better or worse stats, depending.

To interact with troops, you must use the DUTY or SQUAD command. You can give
various commands to the squad, getting different results. Here is a listing:

Entering the command alone will display your currently formed squad.
Your squad is easily distinguished from others in the room by a shortened
display. An example of this would be:

[x16] Republic troopers.
[x3] Your Republic trooper squad.

Your squad is automatically in your group, and they will auto-assist each other
even if not in the same squad. You can tank or have one of your squad members
tank to take out the enemy.

Note: To reference your troops, try calling them troop, or 2.troop, or 3.troop

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