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So you want to be a soldier eh? Or maybe just a tough? Best way to get
started is right from the academy. Set your blaster on stun (with it drawn
type: set stun) and kill the two mobs in the academy that you can fight:
the student and the chained rebel. After you hit level three go back to
the instructor on the first level of the academy and practice your skills.
Once you leave the academy you are on Corellia. Head to the medical office
and grab the doctors bag, if it's there. Go north, then all west and get
the box on the ground. Take a walk around the city, to familiarize
yourself. Find the doctor who asks for his bag (hint: near the doctors
office) and give it to him. Find the man named Alize, he offers you a job
(don't take it yet), and give him the box. This will give you some
credits. I suggest you get to level four in medical before you leave, so
while you wait for the doctors bag to respawn (come back after you got it)
hail a speedbike to the library (hail library anywhere that's not inside).
Research BLASTERS and when you can FIRST AID. Go back and grab one of
those doctors bags and keep ahold of it. Head to the jewelers and grab
two values that affect the chance to hit and the damage you do when you
hit. Go to the luggage dealer and grab a dewback backpack, and go to the
armor store and pick up a photon disruption energy shield. Now you're
ready to go hunting. Hopefully you practiced flying ships, but if not
research the ship skills. Fly to Tatooine and hit the desert. Target
banthas and sandjiggers at first, then move on to tusken raiders. From the
exit of Mos Eisley near to Roxie's weaponry head straight south, this will
bring you to Jabba's palace. Kill the gammorean guards, but I'd suggest
you don't go after Jabba, as he is hard even for avatar combat characters.
Try your luck around the planet, its a great starting place and it is
hospitalized. Stay away from the Hunter's Guild until you are really
strong, and be careful when exploring new planets such as Yavin 4 (the
moon), Kashyyyk and Nim Drovis.

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