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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Each time you attempt to hit a mobile or player, a calculation is made taking
into account a number of variables from both you and your victim.

HITROLL is a variable used in that calculation that essentially determines the
accuracy of your character each round. Various things can affect hitroll
including equipment, natural strength and skills. The higher your hitroll is,
the more likely you are to hit your target. As a general rule, when fighting a
max-level combatant you want your combat level + your hitroll to be about 190
for maximum accuracy.

DAMROLL is another variable used in the same calculation for each round of
combat you are engaged in with a MELEE weapon. Damroll affects the total damage
you inflict upon your victim in combat. Various things affect damroll including
equipment, natural strength, and affects from skills. The higher your damroll,
the more damage you will do.

ARMOR is a third variable used in the calculation for each round of combat you
are engaged in. It affects the total amount of damage that you will receive
from your opponent. The bonuses scale from 0% less damage at 0 armor to 50%
less damage at -1000 armor. In this instance, negatives are a good thing. Armor
above 0 does not cause you to take more damage.

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