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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Syntax: devapp <option> (argument)

Options: list, show, create, rename, category, description, submit,
status, message

Clans are able to submit, review, and manage applications for their scientific
developments, and to message the staff about those developments.

Clan leaders should appoint one person to handle applications and
communications using the appoint command. These lead developers can then
use the devapp command to create, rename, describe, and submit developments
and to message the staff about them. These lead developers have no special IC
authority by virtue of this appointment -- it's simply to support the devapp
mechanics. Lead developers are still subject to their clan's internal processes
and rules for coming up with new developments.

Clan leaders, firsts, seconds, and anyone with the develop empowerment can use
devapp to see a list of their developments, show specific developments,
check the status of their most recent development, and view the messages sent
between staff and their lead developer.

Lead developers should use the devapp create (name) command to create the
frame of a development, use devapp category to pick a category from the list
provided in HELP DEVLIST, use devapp description to write out the longer
pitch for the dev, and then submit it with devapp submit. The staff will
then communicate with the clans by changing the development status or by
sending messages that can be seen using devapp message list.

As the development progresses, the status updates will come with instructions
for the clan on how to move the development further along.

Related Helpfiles: DEVLIST, DEVELOP

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