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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

See `clandb --help` for information on command syntax.

Clan Databases, or clandbs, are a system for storing, retrieving, and searching
data files maintained by organizations within the game. Think of it as a
mud-based, clan-organized wiki. Each clan has a clandb by default.

Public and Private Spaces
Every clandb comes with built-in spaces for pages that are visible and
searchable by all players (assuming your clan is not hidden of course), and for
pages which are only visible to members of the clan. These are called
`/public/` and `/private/` respectively.

These commands are self-documenting. Try `clandb --help` for more.

Selecting a Clan
By default, clandb accesses your own clans database. However, you can specify
`-c "<clan name>"` to select another clans database. For example, `clandb
--clan "empire" search laws`. Clan names are case insensitive and will make
partial matches.

The search subcommand allows you to search the contents of the clan database,
for example clandb search homepage. You can specify one or more keywords and
each page must match all of the specified keywords to be "found" by the search.
A search does not return pages that you do not have permissions to view.

To view a page, use the view command. For example, `clandb view /public/home`.

By default, clan members with the "clandb_edit" empowerment may edit the
database may create and edit pages in the database using the `clandb edit
<path>` command. If you are creating a new page, you will need to give it a
title by specifying `clandb edit --title "<what you want the title to be>"
<path>`, for example, `clandb edit --title "The Homepage" /public/home`. To
update a title, just do an edit specifying the new title and then save the

If you have edit permissions, you can also delete a page by using `clandb
delete <path>`, for example `clandb delete /private/leadership/secrets`

For most usage this is all you need to know! Clan leadership may see it fit to
create special spaces with more restrictions. Read on if you are interested.

Restrictions allow you to dictate who can view and edit what pages within your
clan database. This system is extremely flexible although it requires some
thought and planning to use.

There are two types of restrictions, view and edit. View restrictions determine
who can or cannot view certain pages, and edit restrictions determine who can
or cannot edit certain pages. Note, you must be able to view a page in order to
be able to edit it.

View restrictions start at the bottom of the path and work their way up. That
is, to be able to view `/private/leadership/secrets` you need to be able to
view `/private/`. Edit restrictions however are always at the most specific
path, that is, if you have explicit permission to edit pages at
`/private/leadership/` you do not necessarily have access to edit any of the
pages at `/private/`.

To change restrictions, you need root access. Clan leaders and those with the
"clandb_admin" empowerment are the only ones who can use this special feature.
In addition to allowing you to edit restrictions, it also bypasses all
restrictions on the database. To invoke root, include the option --root, like
this `clandb --root view /private/leadership/secrets`. Generally speaking you
should not use root for day-to-day operations.

Restrictions are targeted to specific paths, and include a default action, as
well as a chain of rules that can alter that outcome. For example, by default
`/private/` has a chain that denies by default, but allows if the user is in
the clan. As an example, clan members must have the clandb_edit empowerment to
edit the database. You can further restrict edit access to /private/ via
`clandb --root restrict edit add /private/ allow rank gte 5`.

Restrictions unpacked
Lets look at the prior example in more detail, `clandb --root restrict edit add
/private/ allow rank gte 5`. This says, I want to work on the "edit" set of
restrictions, and I want to "add" a restriction at "/private/" which "allows"
access if the users rank is "gte"(greater than or equal) to "5". Note, rank,
empowerment and division restrictions imply clan membership.

See CLANDB_SETUP2 for the continuation.


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