Help File Repository


This is a searchable database for every help file in the game


The primary special character is: %
Tokens are listed below:
[Stat Name Current Maximum Graphic Percentage]
Hitpoints %h %H %c %C
Movement %v %V %z %Z
Forcepoints %m %M %x %X
Carry Weight %q %Q
(Battle Stats) (Token) (Battle Stats) (Token)
Graphic HP %e Percentage HP %E
Graphic AP %p Numerical AP %P
Mental State %G
(Server Stats) (Token) (Server Stats) (Token)
Current Users %u Max Players %U
(Miscellaneous) (Token) (Miscellaneous) (Token)
People near you %A (Line Break) %_
Time-till-Backup %t TTB (Hidden) %T
OOC Limit %B Time of day %W
OOC Limit (#) %b Ambience %J
Speaking Tone %D Action timer %g
Flashlight On %f
Language %w Bot Status %o
Current droid %d Current droid's HP %s
Current comlink channel %k Current comlink encryption %K
Command stack %S

%r - Vnum of current room
%R - Vnum of current room (Requires config +vnum. Shows '<#vnum> '
%i - Wizinvis (Shows '(Invis Lv) ', with trailing space)
%I - Raw wizinvis (Shows 'Lv', and only if wizinvis is active)

The other special characters are:
& - Foreground color ^ - Background color

Please see HELP COLORS for a list of the color tokens.

Note: when creating your own prompt, we suggest ending the prompt with the line
break token %_. If you do not, then occasionally other things will appear on
the same line as your prompt, which looks ugly and can mess up triggers and

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