Help File Repository


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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Syntax: note list (number) OR: Mail list (number)
Syntax: note read (number) OR: Mail read (number)
Syntax: note read all OR: Mail read all
Syntax: note take (number) OR: Mail take (number)
Syntax: datamem download (number)
Syntax: note show
Syntax: note post OR: Mail post
Syntax: note remove (number) OR: Mail remove
Syntax: note vote (number) open/close/yes/no/abstain
Syntax: note remove (number) - Immortal only
Syntax: note delete (number) - Immortal only

NOTE LIST lists notes which you can read. NOTE READ reads one or all notes.
By specifying a number after NOTE LIST, you will list all notes including
and after that number.

NOTE SHOW shows your note in progress if you are holding a message disk.

NOTE POST posts your note for reading. Posting is not automatic. Notes posted
on a public terminal, or addressed to "All" on a clan terminal, can only be
removed by an Immortal.

NOTE REMOVE removes the entire note if you are the sender, or just removes you
from the to-list if you are a recipient.

NOTE TAKE takes the note as in NOTE REMOVE, as well as physically placing
it into your inventory.

Once a note has been posted on a bulletin board, the author may open voting
with 'note vote (number) open'.

All those who can read the board may then vote on the issue in the note with
'note vote (number) yes/no/abstain'. The author may close the voting.

Note list will show whether a note is not a voting note, open to voting or
closed to voting. The character that separates the author and the recipient in
'note list' will be a colon, a capital V or a capital C accordingly.

Mail on the mud is always in-character. To send mail to another player, you
must fill out the TO field as their character's login name. Nothing more,
nothing less.


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