Help File Repository


This is a searchable database for every help file in the game



Turbolifts on Legends of the Jedi are similar to elevators in the real world.
You call them, step inside, then say where you desire to go. Using them is just
as simple! When standing in a room labeled [Turbolift Landing] just say:
TURBOLIFT, LIFT, or CALL and it will call the lift to where you are standing.

Once the turbolift has arrived on your level, step inside and the room
description will indicate how to access a list of floors available. Turbolifts
are completely operated by voice commands, so just say the floor after finding
it on the list and you'll be brought there.

An exception to how the game's turbolifts work is inside of starships. All that
is needed in a starship turbolift is to enter the number of your desired floor.

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