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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Clan point limits govern how many capital (frigate, cruiser, or battleship)
ships a clan may field at any given time.

All clans (major and minor) start with at least 3 points. Government clans
start with 12 to allow them to field a full fleet. Each planet a clan controls
adds 3 points to this total. A clan will be unable to launch a capital ship if
it would take them over their point total.

If a planet has been captured by your clan's enemy, and they do not destroy the
capital ship protecting it, then the original clan can maintain that capital
vessel, but cannot launch a new ship by any other means. If the excess ship is
destroyed, they cannot replace it until they have enough points to support the
launch of a replacement, but they may have enough points to launch a different
class of ship.

The following is how many points each Capital Ship costs a clan:
Frigate - 3
Cruiser - 4
Battleship - 5

The Republic has 4 planets. They have a base fleet size of 12 ships, plus 12
(three for each planet), giving them a total of 24 points. They have 3 Cruisers
and 4 Frigates launched, costing them 24 points total.

The Sith take over Corellia from the Republic, and now govern the planet. The
Republic was able to escape from Corellia with their orbital capital ship
intact. This is allowed. Despite having 3 points less now, they can keep their
7 ships, but cannot launch or be traded any new ones. If they lose their 7th
ship, they cannot field a new ship until they have enough points to support a
new ship. If one of the capital ships is landed (frigates, for example), it
cannot be launched again until they have enough points to field it.

Major Clans
- Have 1 safe sector
- May capture planets

Minor Clans
- Minor government clans are capable of capturing planets, other clan types
need staff permission/assistance.
- Are not guaranteed a safe sector. Typically, racially inclined minor
government/homeworld combos get one: Sith/Korriban, Mandalorians/Mandalore, but
this is at the staff's discretion.

Staff holds the right to adjust a clan's default point at their discretion.


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