Legends of the Jedi Forums Share Yo’ Scripts SmartSpeedwalk plugin
This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by brendo.
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    • brendo Participant
      April 20, 2015 at 12:03 pm #25172

      Five or so years ago I asked on mushclient’s forums for a slow speedwalk for LotJ questing, and Nick Gammon delivered. This “smartspeedwalk” plugin is a delayed speedwalk that allows commands to be sent between movement rounds, and can be paused and resumed to perform functions mid-speedwalk. It will also time out if it fails a direction, or 10 seconds without movement (if not paused), which is useful for combat (not PVP) situations.

      The speedwalk is entered “! n s w e 2n 3s 4w 5e 2(ne) 2(nw) 2(sw) 2(se)” and must be Send To: Execute.
      Non-cardinal directions must have perenthesis around them.

      The speedwalk can be paused at anytime with “pause speedwalk” sent to Execute, and can be resumed after completion of a task with “resume speedwalk” sent to Execute.

      An example usage is Lorrdian Mines, where the speedwalk would be:
      “! s 2e 7s w s 2(sw) 2s e 3(ne) (sw) 2e (sw) e (se) 5s w (nw) 4n 2s 3w 3s 5w 2n (ne) 7n (ne) 2e n 4u 2w n”
      and “One miserable credit” triggers “pause speedwalk;dig” (enter, not a semicolon) sent to Execute. Positive dig result would trigger “get irud;resume speedwalk” (irud can be changed to match the dig results, enter not a semicolon) sent to Execute.

      If the movement is firing too fast, you can change <!ENTITY delay_secs “0.5” > to 1.0 or 1.5.

      Timers have to be enabled or an error message will fire.


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