Legends of the Jedi Forums The Brainstormtorium slicer skills: hack records etc
This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 1 month ago by chuckinator.
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    • chuckinator Member
      April 21, 2011 at 11:46 pm #1694

      Here goes…

      Have game obejcts that act as data storage beyond datapads and terminals, e.g. mainframes, ship databases (only in gunships & larger), brig records, public & private boards, etc. Have such records on file such as scanned records (and have records looked up w/ scan get auto d/l’ed in the datapad).

      Here comes the fun part.

      Every player gets a personal and completely private dossier that is write only / append. Players can chronicle their dossier record on someone or something they want for RP purposes.

      Have the basic data usage skills be very low level like 1-25 be basic data entry, but INT limited races might get the shaft, but that’s their loss. Higher level slicers can hack directory listings of secured mainframes, fake access codes to read or download or decrypt files, illegally transfer funds from an account, crash a system (requiring a friendly mid to high level slicer to reboot a mainframe). The use and ownership of the terminal will determine the nature of the systems’ uses and what sort of difficulty of the target system and countermeasures in place. Don’t just hospitalize someone, but possibly spawn 2-50 gun toting mobs agro to you and you alone depending on if you were hacking the local convenience store vs. a bank or something serious.

      Take this a step or two further, and you really start to bring slicing to a new level of RP on par with smuggling and espionage. The systems for datadisks already work and can be extended further to support such a system.

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