Legends of the Jedi Forums The Brainstormtorium Science and Know Essence
This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by Seryb.
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    • neven Participant
      April 6, 2012 at 10:20 pm #18798

      An idea for how 100% in a science might help, which I’ve been told kinda exists under the “know essence” force ability. In other codebases there’s usually an “identify” spell which is a lot like the immcommand of “ostat” usually only less detailed (players really don’t need to know vnums). My idea is that if you have 100% in a relevant science, you should be able to see statistics of the item itself when you “examine” it (or perhaps a different command that’s similar but includes some delay) like examining spice with 100% in narcotics would let you know what the spice will actually do, examining a corpse with 100% forensics would let you know if it was suicide or not, and by what kind of weapon. Know essence though shouldn’t be totally removed in my opinion as it’s my understanding some pieces of gear modify mana pool or “force points pool” or whatever, and I think know essence should basically only reveal force-relevant things of an item, and/or perhaps be considered the same as 100% in “force” as a science (like being able to figure out what the stats on a lightsaber actually are since presumably no other kind of scientist would be able to determine that kind of thing). You might not be able to build or create the kind of thing but having 100% in the science of it basically says you’re an expert at knowing what that shit does and how it works.

    • Inactive
      April 7, 2012 at 7:59 am #18799

      Could give scientist a new place in rp. I like most of this!

    • Walldo Keymaster
      April 7, 2012 at 3:57 pm #18800

      start writin ideas for each science!

    • Bai Participant
      April 8, 2012 at 4:41 pm #18812

      Like i said on OOC, I asked to develop an item that’d give us like 5 charges of ‘identify’, so we could use them to see items just like know essence, and I was told no. Why would they let us have a skill that does the same thing? Idk.

    • Kirash Participant
      April 8, 2012 at 4:43 pm #18813

      Would be nice to not have to go begging for a Jedi or Sith to find out whether or not something you made was actually pretty good. Seems like a waste to me especially given the fact that most of the time, they like to keep know essence to themselves.

    • neven Participant
      April 8, 2012 at 4:45 pm #18814

      Obvious ones I think:

      medical: shows you how much a medpac will actually heal for (does this vary with quality of medpacs? If not ignore I guess)

      destruction: see stats on weapons
      (Maybe with a feat also be able to see actual parts? Feat name: Reverse Engineering?)

      equipment: see stats on armors
      (also reverse engineering feat maybe, to be clear, wouldn’t help you in actually developing a part that you don’t have access to yourself so it wouldn’t like absolutely destroy engy clan’s competition and whatnot)

      narcotics: lets you know what taking a spice will do to you (both beneficial and harmful effects)

      forensics: Identifies what weapon killed a corpse, and if it was suicide or not.

      transportation: tells you how much actual bulk/weight a container can hold

      I’m not too knowledgeable about the sciences in general so maybe other people have other ideas about these.

    • Kirash Participant
      April 8, 2012 at 5:07 pm #18815

      Guidance wouldn’t do much since you can see the effects of your flashlight creation after you are done.
      Same with Education and datachips.
      Machines doesn’t seem to have an effect on anything, but I personally think it should affect the stats of a droid you make. Since makedroid was implemented well after the sciences, I don’t think this was ever considered.
      Chemistry should allow you to see the effectiveness of your mines and grenades without having to resort to using them on yourself.
      Electronics and Advanced Electronics already tell you that you’re making the best circuits.
      Construction…not sure what to do with this one. I believe it affects buildship effectiveness, but it’s been awhile since I’ve had an engineer.
      Edibles: Not even in use. There is nothing that benefits from this science whatsoever and nothing that could benefit from it. The only real exception to this is MAYBE seeing how long you have until food goes bad as in time instead of words. There REALLY REALLY needs to be some kind of culinary commands to justify this science even being around.
      Enhancement: Maybe use it to see the benefits of cybernetics. Personally I think cybernetics should have some kind of downside, but that is a discussion for a different topic.
      Minerals I suppose you could use to see the effectiveness of your gemcutting, though anyone with minerals adepted can already see whether it is a lightsaber crystal or a blaster one.
      I’m not sure where to plug spacecraft into this either.

    • neven Participant
      April 8, 2012 at 5:30 pm #18816

      On the note of edibles science not even being in use, I’ve had a few develop ideas relevant to edibles but really all it comes down to is the only real use I can imagine for it is basically the same as narcotics only with a different command to actually use them and of course unlikely to ever be made illegal by a government.

    • Seryb Participant
      April 9, 2012 at 8:33 pm #18830

      For the sake of being repetitive I have listed all the sciences with what has been stated as well as a few opinions on the sciences that were left out. Some of them are a little so what do you all think?

      Guidance: If your in a room with no obvious exits it might help reveal them?
      Education: Researching a skill jumps by 50% then 100% (For the more basic skills, excludes BH, Smuggling, Flurry and Sciences) (We all know this is tedious)
      Machines: Droid stats like Kirash said
      Medical: Stats on Medpacs
      Destruction: Stats on Weapons
      Equipment: Stats on Armor
      Transportation: # of Items bags can hold
      Minerals: Maybe actual stats it would add to lightsabers/blasters? (Crystal A adds 5/5. Crystal B adds 10/0)
      Electronics/Advanced Electronics: The ability to examine other electronics to see their quality. (The ones not made by engis…Superconductors etc…)
      Data: What about something that enhances the hack skill, like adept data, plus hack, being in room with target, plus feat allows you to see the account they access? (Who has actually hacked an account not their own?)
      Narcotics: Effects of spice positive and negative
      Forensics: Suicide or not, weapon type that killed corpse, possibly how long ago?
      Edibles: Shows what foods/drinks are good for. (I know nothing currently, but would it be hard to make certain foods/drinks help quicken the pace that spice or poison runs its course, or slow it for that matter?)
      Chemistry: Power of grenades/mines/chemicals
      Enhancement: Stats on cybernetics
      Spacecraft: Maybe with this you get a chance of creating two frams (Real slim) if you have it adept, with buildship, and ship building feat?

    • Walldo Keymaster
      April 10, 2012 at 5:18 pm #18835

      That is an awesome list, thank you Seryb. I’m distracted right now but later on I will go through and really study em, that’s a good start though.

    • Seryb Participant
      November 25, 2012 at 9:44 pm #20277

      Heyo, I wanted to bring this idea to the forefront again. Two posts up is a list I concocted with the help of various others ideas from earlier in the log. Given the espionage skills idea that I just started a brainstorm for that ties directly to this post in relation to the science skills I think we should revisit this to see if any traction has been made?

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