Legends of the Jedi Forums Newbie Watering Hole Research Scriptio
This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years ago by Altrez.
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    • Altrez Participant
      April 24, 2012 at 6:45 pm #18865

      Plugin colors the practice list based on skill percentage.
      You may use 'enque ‘ or ‘enq ‘ to queue skills for the plugin to research.
      Use ‘listrq’ to list the current skill queue.
      ‘runq ‘ to remove a skill from the queue
      use ‘rese’ or ‘research’ to start research, or ‘rese ‘ or ‘research ‘
      the rest is all done by the plugin, *however* I wouldn’t just queue up a bunch of skills and leave the computer, for three reasons
      1) it’s against the rules
      2) someone could get annoyed that you are ignoring them ICly and perm you(they would PROBABLY need more to keep you from getting a restore..but better safe than sorry yes?)
      3) In the unlikely event the plugin malfunctions, you wont be around to notice.

      EnableTriggerGroup(“ResearchLinkers”, false)

      EnableTriggerGroup(“ResearchLinkers”, true)



      –necessary variables
      researchQue = {} –Que list
      currentResearch = "" –Do I really need to explain more?

      –function to add skill to que list
      function Enque(name, line, wildcards)
      t = #researchQue —find the size of the researchQue
      if (t == 0) then
      table.insert(researchQue, 1, wildcards[1]) –make first entry
      table.insert(researchQue, wildcards[1]) — make subsequent entries
      end –if
      ColourNote("lime","", wildcards[1].." queued for research.")

      –function to remove skill from que list
      function Runq(name, line, wildcards)
      t =#researchQue — size of the que
      for i,v in ipairs(researchQue) do –loop through the que
      if (v == wildcards[1]) then –if current item matches, remove it from the list
      table.remove(researchQue, i)
      ColourNote("red","", "Skill "..wildcards[1].." removed from que.")
      if (i == t) then — if looped all the way through the que and skill not found…
      ColourNote("red","","Skill not found in research que.")
      end — if
      end –for

      –function to report que list contents
      function Listrq(name, line, wildcards)
      t = #researchQue –size of the que
      local count = 1 — loop counter
      ColourTell("orange","","Current Research Que: ")
      while count 0) and (tonumber(percentage) < 90) then
      ColourTell("orange","", skillName..spacing..percentage.."%")
      ColourTell("lime","", skillName..spacing..percentage.."%")
      end –if

      if (GetTriggerInfo(name, 31) 0) and (tonumber(percentage2) < 90) then
      ColourTell("orange","", skillName2..spacing2..percentage2.."%")
      ColourTell("lime","", skillName2..spacing2..percentage2.."%")
      end –if
      end –if

      if (GetTriggerInfo(name, 31) 0) and (tonumber(percentage3)

      Will that work?

    • Altrez Participant
      April 24, 2012 at 7:24 pm #18867

      Clipped the opening part, add that to the beginning maybe?

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