This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 2 months ago by Skitter.
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    • Skitter Member
      February 23, 2009 at 12:36 pm #1006

      A new player entered the game today, promptly asked for help on the newbie channel but no RPC or immortals were available to trans to him to help him, we had to try and help him through the ooc channel.

      I propose a [Newbie Helper] tag, given to specific people who ask for it and are very active, if a newbie enters the realm and asks for assistance they can HELPNEWBIE (newbies name), the Newbie Helper will then be transed to the newbie and they can proceed to help then, the MUD should record which room they transed from and when the helper types GOBACK should trans him or her back to the original room.

      Otherwise, I propose everyone has the ability without a tag, just in case, of course strict rules will need to be put in place and a log can be created to see who has used the HELPNEWBIE command, I doubt anyone would want to trans to the newbie academy for any specific reason but logs should be created just in case. This also means code would have to stop more than one person from trans-ing to the newbie, and probably remove the helpers ability to trade items or drop anything (just in case they are furnishing a new character of theirs). It’s probably better to go for the first option, people who the imms have vetted for the job.

      Oh, and the command should be coded so that if you are in combat it doesnt work, or a certain time after combat, just in case people try abusing it to escape combat.

    • Inactive
      February 23, 2009 at 12:54 pm #9243

      I think this is a great idea, we always get newbies who randomly get lost (especially around the smugg/hutt part) and I would be more then happy to help, also I would suggest adding in a config option where if a newbie hits helpnewbie that anyone with the helpnewbie option enabled can recieve an echo stating a newbie needs help, so that those with it disabled can be left alone (lazy asses)!!!

    • Walldo Keymaster
      February 23, 2009 at 4:32 pm #9244

      [Newbie Helper] tag = (RPC) tag.

      What stopped anyone from just rolling a Human into the academy to help? I know that’s been done plenty of times in the past.

    • Skitter Member
      February 23, 2009 at 4:43 pm #9245

      Because we shouldn’t have to?

    • Walldo Keymaster
      February 23, 2009 at 5:31 pm #9246

      Well that is a compelling argument <!– s:P –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!– s:P –>

    • Ralen Keymaster
      February 23, 2009 at 10:57 pm #9247

      There isn’t any need to create potential elitism in a bunch of people who are awarded ‘newbie helper’ flags.

      ANYONE can help a newbie. And should.

      End of story. :p

    • Drel Member
      February 26, 2009 at 1:04 am #9263
      &quot;Walldo&quot;:qviawz4j wrote:
      [Newbie Helper] tag = (RPC) tag.

      What stopped anyone from just rolling a Human into the academy to help? I know that’s been done plenty of times in the past.[/quote:qviawz4j]
      Hell, I’m one of the least helpful people this side of Kim Jung-il, and even I’ve done that, twice.

    • Skitter Member
      February 26, 2009 at 12:05 pm #9268

      Um, congratulations? *rolls eyes*

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