This topic has 49 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 10 months ago by Bumish.
Viewing 2 posts - 46 through 47 (of 47 total)
    • Walldo Keymaster
      June 14, 2009 at 11:16 pm #10027

      If you have any suggestions for the newbie academy, now is the time to make them. It’s getting cleaned up on 5800

    • Bumish Member
      June 21, 2009 at 8:09 pm #10171

      The idea for having people actually fly in the newbie school is a great Idea, but I know it took me a while to learn space combat. There should be some sort of training or a -simulator- or something people could use to learn how to do space combat. Like a step by step with targeting and destroying some sort of easy pirate before you actually reach the other planet.
      You could just have a room that works as a cockpit of a small ship and once you enter you have to launch, calculate, hyper, set course, adjust speed, kill pirate, land, then the door unlocks and you can move on or once you land you get a key to unlock a new room or something. That way you wouldn’t have to make two seperate planets and you could do it in the same facility.

      I also think you should make it so you can not leave the academy without writing a description and history, People showing up outside of the adacemy with a blank sheet is kind of rediculous from an IC point of view. Just appearing on a planet wondering around with no backround and physical features seems odd to me.

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