Legends of the Jedi Forums Newbie Watering Hole Helpful scripts (CMud)
This topic has 38 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 5 months ago by Cortanis.
Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)
    • Johnson Participant
      August 22, 2009 at 1:55 am #10989
      "Walldo":97vbnf32 wrote:
      I had originally declined to set up auto login stuff when creating my session profile, but i’ve changed my mind. I went into the session properties and put @Walldo etc. into the ‘auto login’ bit but it doesn’t work. How can I manually set this up?[/quote:97vbnf32]
      You’d need to do 1 of two things:
      1) Turn off your special character relating to the ‘@’ sign in the preferences->special characters dialog box.
      2) Make it ‘~@Walldo’ instead of ‘@Walldo’ in your auto login box. The ~ makes it ignore special characters.
    • Johnson Participant
      August 22, 2009 at 2:24 am #10990

      Here’s an autoresearch script I use on zmud, for those of you who don’t have cmud. (I’m sure it still works on cmud, though!)

      #trigger {You can’t learn about that in books. Go find a teacher.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You can’t learn any more about that from books(%*)} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You can’t learn (%*) skills from a book!} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You finish your studies and feel much more skilled.} {research} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You search and search but cant find that information.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You study for hours on end, but fail to gather any knowledge.} {research} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {Your not going to learn force spells from a book. Trust me.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You’re not ready to learn that yet, Sorry....} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {Go learn it the hard way, sissy.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}

      #trigger {(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%} {#if (%4 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%2)};#if (%8 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%6)};#if (%12 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%10)}} {researchcapture}

      #trigger {


      } {#t- researchcapture;#t- researchstart;#echo Research List: @researchlist ~(@researchmax~);#additem researchlist null} {researchstart}

      #trigger {


      } {researchclear;#t+ researchcapture} {researchstart}

      #alias {autoresearch} {#if (@autoresearch = "on") {#var autoresearch off;#t- autoresearch;#echo Autoresearch off.} {#var autoresearch on;#t+ autoresearch;#echo Autoresearch on.}}

      #alias {research} {#if (%numparam > 0) {#var research %1};~research @research}

      #alias {researchadd} {#if (%numparam = 1) {#additem researchlist {%1}};#if (%numparam = 2) {#additem researchlist {%1 %2}};#if (%numparam = 3) {#additem researchlist {%1 %2 %3}};#add researchmax 1}

      #alias {researchadvance} {#add researchnum 1;#var researchskill %item(@researchlist, @researchnum);#if (@researchskill = "null") {#echo Research complete!;autoresearch} {research @researchskill;#echo Researching Skill ~’%item(@researchlist, @researchnum)~’ ~(@researchnum~/@researchmax~)}}

      #alias {researchclear} {#var researchlist "";#var researchmax 0;#var researchnum 0;#echo Research List cleared.}

      #alias {researchstart} {#t+ researchstart;pra;#wa 5000;#var researchnum 0;researchadvance;#t+ autoresearch;#var autoresearch on}

      1) Copy and paste each of those lines into your input bar one at a time and hit enter.
      2) Type ‘researchstart’ with no quotations and it’ll scan your practice list and research every skill that is below 90%.

      Known issues:
      1) It won’t pick up ‘advanced electronics’ or ‘vibro-blades’
      2) It will skip lines that aren’t 3 skills across, meaning you have to research, at most, 4 skills on your own.

      I can try to answer questions or comments, otherwise enjoy!

    • Slyth Member
      September 15, 2009 at 6:07 pm #11418

      Thanks for the autoresearch stuff. perhaps the next thing you could do is add in a script for buildship so we can all use it?

    • Kirash Participant
      January 29, 2010 at 9:14 am #13188
      "Johnson":1rkixcey wrote:
      Here’s an autoresearch script I use on zmud, for those of you who don’t have cmud. (I’m sure it still works on cmud, though!)

      #trigger {You can’t learn about that in books. Go find a teacher.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You can’t learn any more about that from books(%*)} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You can’t learn (%*) skills from a book!} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You finish your studies and feel much more skilled.} {research} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You search and search but cant find that information.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You study for hours on end, but fail to gather any knowledge.} {research} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {Your not going to learn force spells from a book. Trust me.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {You’re not ready to learn that yet, Sorry....} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}
      #trigger {Go learn it the hard way, sissy.} {researchadvance} {autoresearch}

      #trigger {(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%(%s)(%*)(%s)(%n)~%} {#if (%4 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%2)};#if (%8 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%6)};#if (%12 < 90) {researchadd %trim(%10)}} {researchcapture}

      #trigger {


      } {#t- researchcapture;#t- researchstart;#echo Research List: @researchlist ~(@researchmax~);#additem researchlist null} {researchstart}

      #trigger {


      } {researchclear;#t+ researchcapture} {researchstart}

      #alias {autoresearch} {#if (@autoresearch = "on") {#var autoresearch off;#t- autoresearch;#echo Autoresearch off.} {#var autoresearch on;#t+ autoresearch;#echo Autoresearch on.}}

      #alias {research} {#if (%numparam > 0) {#var research %1};~research @research}

      #alias {researchadd} {#if (%numparam = 1) {#additem researchlist {%1}};#if (%numparam = 2) {#additem researchlist {%1 %2}};#if (%numparam = 3) {#additem researchlist {%1 %2 %3}};#add researchmax 1}

      #alias {researchadvance} {#add researchnum 1;#var researchskill %item(@researchlist, @researchnum);#if (@researchskill = "null") {#echo Research complete!;autoresearch} {research @researchskill;#echo Researching Skill ~’%item(@researchlist, @researchnum)~’ ~(@researchnum~/@researchmax~)}}

      #alias {researchclear} {#var researchlist "";#var researchmax 0;#var researchnum 0;#echo Research List cleared.}

      #alias {researchstart} {#t+ researchstart;pra;#wa 5000;#var researchnum 0;researchadvance;#t+ autoresearch;#var autoresearch on}

      1) Copy and paste each of those lines into your input bar one at a time and hit enter.
      2) Type ‘researchstart’ with no quotations and it’ll scan your practice list and research every skill that is below 90%.

      Known issues:
      1) It won’t pick up ‘advanced electronics’ or ‘vibro-blades’
      2) It will skip lines that aren’t 3 skills across, meaning you have to research, at most, 4 skills on your own.

      I can try to answer questions or comments, otherwise enjoy![/quote:1rkixcey]

      Old post, I know, but I just now found it =P

      This autoresearch script works nicely. The skills that it doesn’t research aren’t really of any consequence as I can just research them myself when it is done autoresearching. Thank you for the script bud.

    • Kirash Participant
      April 9, 2010 at 12:10 pm #13935

      I know this is a CMud thread, but I’ve seen zMUD scripts inserted in here often enough to make me post here. I’d like to see perhaps a cargo running script or buildship script (one that cycles through the components as they are needed) if someone has one or has time to make one.

    • KoolAidMan Participant
      April 9, 2010 at 4:13 pm #13941

      I’ll throw up my scripts soon then for those. The buildship is fairly nice and dont have to worry cept for making sure you have enough parts.

    • Leoninus Participant
      May 27, 2010 at 3:41 am #14552

      I need some help with trying to get a clantalk window on zMUD..please?

      The Leo

    • Avanga Member
      June 17, 2010 at 2:59 am #14713

      Latest version of CMUD decided to poop out my research script and I can’t seem to get it to accept anything anymore. <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –>

    • Cortanis Member
      December 22, 2010 at 3:41 am #16335

      You all are just too smart for me.

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)
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