This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 2 months ago by Walldo.
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    • Skitter Member
      February 17, 2009 at 12:26 am #998


      Several ideas, including something I did myself on a previous MUD as a builder.


      Similar to pontoon (or blackjack), the aim is to make the closest number to 20 (this is actually a well known game in the SW universe: <!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –> )

      [b:2k2tvb43]Syntax:[/b:2k2tvb43] pazaak
      [b:2k2tvb43]Requirements:[/b:2k2tvb43] A numbers deck

      This command will generate a random number between 1 and 10 and display which number you have been given as a room emote ([b:2k2tvb43]NOTE:[/b:2k2tvb43] This emote must be an un-forgeable colour or have a prefix tag so people don’t try to fake what number they got using traditional emote). There is no limit to the amount of times you can use the command Pazaak but if you go over 20 you immediately lose.

      [Pazaak] Skitter takes a card from the top of a deck of cards: 10
      [Pazaak] Skitter takes a card from the top of a deck of cards: 4
      Skitter says, “Done, 14 in total”

      [Pazaak] Walldo takes a card from the top of a deck of cards: 7
      [Pazaak] Walldo takes a card from the top of a deck of cards: 9
      Walldo says, “Done, 16 total, I win!”

      You get the picture; this is an incredibly simplified version of the game known in the SW universe, but the outcome is the same and this version should be easy to code.

      [b:2k2tvb43]Chance Cube[/b:2k2tvb43]

      Syntax: chanceroll
      Requirements: A Chance Cube

      Obvious, it comes up red or blue

      [Chance] Skitter rolls a chance cube: Red
      [Chance] Skitter rolls a chance cube: Blue

      [b:2k2tvb43]Player-owned casinos / gambling establishments[/b:2k2tvb43]

      I managed to make MOBs look like slot machines, you give them a set amount and a simply rand prog determines if you win.

      Also, Pazaak tables can be made, perhaps VIP lounges with private bars in them, the possibilities are great.

      Would generate a LOT of RP, betting is always good fun, and boastful or big headed characters always like to gamble (my new character certainly would), you can also have professional gamblers and obviously gambling addicts, good possibilities there.

    • Walldo Keymaster
      February 17, 2009 at 1:42 am #9196

      Gathorn was exploring Pazaak the other day from a builder, non-coder perspective. Not sure what he came up with.

      You’ll be happy to know chance cubes already exist.

      Slot machines like you describe already exist, it’s a question of coming up with other casino games to fill the mud with.

    • Skitter Member
      February 17, 2009 at 12:52 pm #9202
      &quot;Walldo&quot;:30vbo5ug wrote:
      Gathorn was exploring Pazaak the other day from a builder, non-coder perspective. Not sure what he came up with.

      You’ll be happy to know chance cubes already exist.

      Slot machines like you describe already exist, it’s a question of coming up with other casino games to fill the mud with.[/quote:30vbo5ug]

      In regards to Gathorn, Pazaak could also be done using a rand prog, you just trigger it by saying &quot;Deal&quot;, activates the rand prog and the dealer just returns an echo and a statement:

      A Pazaak Dealer removes the top card of a numbers deck and flips over the next card
      A Pazaak Dealer Says, &quot;(person) gets a 10&quot;

      This means finding out how the prog will determine which number to give but I’m sure you could just make them all a 10% chance, that would mean 10 rand progs on the same MOB, I haven’t done mobprog’s for some time so cant really remember but im sure hernes smaug building guide may hold the answer to a rand prog on this. Hernes guide actually taught me how to do mobprog’s, which is an incredibly hard thing to do (teach me something, that is), so I’m damn sure Gathorn will be able to get it right.

      I seriously reckon it would take a coder like Rojan about 10 minutes to code this though, and it means we wouldn’t have to stay in casino’s to gamble, could do it in some un-licensed games in peoples houses and stuff. Plus, if it’s coded we don’t need to wait for the dealer to respawn if someone goes on a &quot;kill the dealer&quot; frenzy.

      You need more games? VERY WELL! Ill make some up then!


      [b:30vbo5ug]Aim:[/b:30vbo5ug] To bet on if the next card is HIGHER, or LOWER than your previous card, first person to get it wrong loses a life, 3 lives and you loose the game. This can be played by multiple people at once, meaning tournaments are a good possibility.

      [b:30vbo5ug]Implementation:[/b:30vbo5ug] Same as Pazaak (if using MOBPROGs), if using coding you could make the echo’s say LOWER and HIGHER according to what your previous number was.


      [b:30vbo5ug]Syntax:[/b:30vbo5ug] Kalta (Coded)
      [b:30vbo5ug]Syntax:[/b:30vbo5ug] Say ‘Deal’ in the same room as a Kalta dealer

      Kalta is a game which originates from the outer rim and played by cargo runners who were on short trips, a simple game where you must bet on your card being HIGHER or LOWER than your previous card, this game can be played by multiple people at once.


      [b:30vbo5ug]Aim:[/b:30vbo5ug] To be the first person to get rid of all your cards

      4 decks are included in this game of different colours, they are as follows:

      Red Deck: [color=#FF0000:30vbo5ug]1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Speeder, Starship, Cruiser, Forcer[/color:30vbo5ug]

      Same for [color=#FFFF00:30vbo5ug]Yellow[/color:30vbo5ug], [color=#0000FF:30vbo5ug]Blue[/color:30vbo5ug] and [color=#00BF00:30vbo5ug]Green[/color:30vbo5ug] decks but with appropriate colours

      14 cards are dealt to each player; these can be any 7 cards of any of the coloured suits.

      More cards are then turned over from the main deck which is face down, if you have a card that matches that card AND the same colour, you remove it from your deck. The first person to get rid of all their cards is the winner. Betting takes place before the game starts.

      [b:30vbo5ug]Implementation:[/b:30vbo5ug] This would have to be coded, one player invites another and the invited must accept the game, the betting amount is also decided on the invite, and it’s up to the other person if they wish to bet amount. Tags can be placed on both players to indicate they are playing: [b:30vbo5ug][Playing Bartaz][/b:30vbo5ug] or something similar.


      [b:30vbo5ug]Syntax:[/b:30vbo5ug] playgame Bartaz (player) (amount to bet)
      This invites a player to play Bartaz and specifies the amount to bet, a bet of 0 obviously means the game is friendly and no stakes are presented.

      [b:30vbo5ug]Syntax:[/b:30vbo5ug] playgame Bartaz (person) request
      This asks the specific person and whoever he or she has started the game with if you can join in the game, this invite MUST be issued BEFORE the first card is turned, all players currently in the game must agree to allow a new player into the game.

      [b:30vbo5ug]Syntax:[/b:30vbo5ug] Turn
      This turns over the next card on the deck. Any matching cards you have are automatically discarded.

      Bartaz is a game of sheer luck, there is no foreseeable way to bluff your opponent or cheat besides rigging the deck which has become increasingly hard to accomplish in recent years. Bartaz originates from coruscant, where the planets gambling industry boasts large tournaments of Bartaz.

    • Aleksei Participant
      February 17, 2009 at 5:41 pm #9203

      From personally playing in ‘ZannCorps’ player ran Casino, it was extremely difficult to roleplay certain situations where players would want to play such gambling games as Sabaac. I had to go out and learn the game itself, but it turns out it is a fairly complex game compared to Kalta and Pazaak. The easier the game becomes, the easier I can see it being implemented into the game. It certainly would give the Hutts and other crime syndicates something very valuable to have control over.

      As I recall, we only had slot machines which worked, and rooms dedicated for Sabaac which didn’t work.

      I love the idea for both Kalta and Pazaak, however I found Bartaz to be quite lenghty.

    • Anastasius Member
      February 17, 2009 at 6:45 pm #9205

      While I love the idea of getting these games coded or just proged in. I have played other muds where we gambled just fine. One player acts as dealer and is usually universally trusted to play fair. We even managed to play Sabaac. So until imms find a way to code or prog it we can still play <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>

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