This topic has 21 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 2 months ago by Gral.
Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
    • Avanga Member
      February 24, 2011 at 10:38 pm #16798

      Why do people keep trying to make cybernetics pointless?

      I do like Gral’s ideas about them changing how the person looks though.

    • Kirash Participant
      February 24, 2011 at 11:38 pm #16800

      I’m not trying to make cybernetics pointless. I’m simply saying if you’re going to be playing the swapping game with implants in your body, common sense says there should be risks. Shouldn’t be a free ride when you’re constantly shuffling foreign objects in and out of your body for your twinkage.

    • Avanga Member
      February 25, 2011 at 12:07 am #16801

      Common sense would have everyone eating coded meals and allowing for time to rp bathroom breaks. We make compromises from common sense to make the game an enjoyable environment to play in, and I doubt anyone would find any fun in having their seasoned veteran char die on the operating table because the cybers they had installed an era ago are crap compared to something just now available.

    • rakun Participant
      February 25, 2011 at 12:15 am #16802

      Although I agree with both of you, but Kirash’s idea sounds… better.

      It’s like when you die to pirates, or when you <insert bad luck/stupid moment here>.

      The same reason you can’t own capital ships on a character.

    • Kirash Participant
      February 26, 2011 at 9:21 am #16500
      "Avanga":191dkhf1 wrote:
      Common sense would have everyone eating coded meals and allowing for time to rp bathroom breaks. We make compromises from common sense to make the game an enjoyable environment to play in, and I doubt anyone would find any fun in having their seasoned veteran char die on the operating table because the cybers they had installed an era ago are crap compared to something just now available.[/quote:191dkhf1]

      It’s called taking risks. Perhaps you should try it sometime.

      Besides, if it’s a "seasoned veteran," as you put it, it likely got there from not taking any risks whatsoever or taking "risks" with his/her little AIMfaction, but that’s a can of worms for another day…

      Don’t bitch about things being at a stand still if you aren’t willing to man up and take some risks. Reward without risk is fuckin’ boring.

    • Kora Participant
      February 28, 2011 at 1:33 pm #16492

      I love the idea of the threat of permadeath when undergoing surgery. I think it should be there for installing cybernetics as well as removing them. In the real world [cue whining about this not being a simulator] there [b:1i01lurj]is[/b:1i01lurj] a (small) chance of death or serious complications from even the most routine surgeries. Surgery is risky business.

      HOWEVER!! You should be able to feel fairly safe in the hands of an expert. A medical [b:1i01lurj]main[/b:1i01lurj] with 150 medical and 90% cyber skill (requiring 100% will lead to no new surgeons being trained), 100% enhancement skill should be able to install and even remove cybernetics with a fairly high degree of success. 90% for install, 80% for removal, maybe. But I really do think you should get a bonus for being a medical main rather than a science (or something) main with high medical.

    • chuckinator Member
      February 28, 2011 at 9:10 pm #16690

      I think the biggest barrier for people rolling medical mains is that they have -awful- levels. They have no bonus to science or engineering or slicing (which being technical skills, it would make logical sense for them too), and the level spread is as bad as leadership without the secondary bonus.

      I personally think that medical main levels need revisiting. They should definitely get the same science bonus as engineers (engineering school teaches you awesome science, but medical school doesn’t? I don’t buy that.), the same or better engineering bonus as pilots, the same or better slicing bonus as engineers (maybe pilots if they need more generosity), and maybe a mild combat bonus to show how their awesome knowledge of anatomy helps them know how to better kill people.

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