This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 4 months ago by DrgnFlyDrft.
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    • Slyth Member
      December 10, 2010 at 8:42 am #1616

      Ok, so I have come to realize that most people who change over to Cmud usually like to have some triggers that are considered to be the bear minimum. I was thinking about throwing together a map pack of a few planets, and a few other things that should help people get started with Cmud. Right now I have drop down menu’s for calculating to planets, and showing a planets resources, I have triggers for training everything at a gym, and I have a few triggers for some quests, such as the wallet making engineering quest, and the jewelry making engineering quest. Right now I am looking for suggestions of what people would like to see trigger wise.

      Everything will be broken into class category, and inside each class category will be a training folder, which will hold all of the triggers for training up some levels with repetitive tasks.

    • DrgnFlyDrft Participant
      December 23, 2010 at 2:46 am #16345

      Hey did you ever throw this thing together? I’m just starting after a long layoff on top of switching over to cmud from zmud and it would be cool to have some maps and all the other goodies mention.

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