Legends of the Jedi Forums The Brainstormtorium Cloning? (UPDATE: Cloning is in)
This topic has 25 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 9 months ago by Walldo.
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    • Ocerion Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 9:30 pm #19208

      Hey, remember back in the day…before the current cloning code which is frankly the greatest thing since cheese, with the clone corruption and all…but remember back in the day, when cloning chambers were more…readily available? One for the Empire, one for the Rebellion, and one on Kamino which could not be capped….I’m sitting here thinking and I can’t for the life of me figure out why such a thing would be gone NOW, given that clones can fail. (Before when it was a 100% chance of success? Yeah fuck clones.) Anyone know why? I mean I’d think putting it in and readily available, while slightly off RP wise, would be a HUGE boon for mud activity, as all the people who otherwise camp somewhere in fear would have no reason to… (NOT a shot at one clan or another, face it, 99% of -EVERYONE- does that)

    • Bai Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 9:35 pm #19209

      i remember killing you

    • Ocerion Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 9:38 pm #19210

      Over…and over…and over…lol. But it was good for mud activity…and clones degrade now, so you won’t have the essentially immortal sorts…so…I mean really whats the harm? Why not toss a cloning center out for the Empire, Rebels, and toss out Kamino? Everyone gets to clone, a clone for all, etc…And then BLAMMO, people doin stuff everywhere.

    • Gyndi Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 9:50 pm #19211

      I’d be game if force sensitive people couldn’t get a clone, or they took a big hit to their force levels every time they wake up as a clone successfully. Otherwise you’d just have forcers that never could possibly never die, even with the chance of dying at awakening (Babuir, anyone? :P).

      And I’m not trying to be a jerk about forcers, because I love playing them and all that. I just think it’d be better that way, because forcers already have a pretty big advantage against normal characters (Yes, I know some people can kill forcers with normal characters, but some people can’t).

    • Ocerion Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 9:56 pm #19212

      Well, I’m not gonna get into MY opinions about Babuir…but lets just say that no OTHER forcers who had clones came back quite that many times successfully. Entirely not on the subject though, talking about Babuir specifically…Honestly if a clone of say, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order came back out of cloning less sensitive it would be a bit bizzare on the RP. Maybe…MAYBE it could be modified so that the first clone back, no real loss…Second clone back (If they get so lucky…which is frankly unlikely) takes a 25 level hit…And if the gods are smiling on them, the third one back takes a 50 level hit. Then they’re not so force sensitive…Just a suggestion though, honestly I don’t think it matters so much. We just…we really need cloning. Fine tune it as problems arise but ffs…please put it back. The whole mud would benifit so very much, activity levels would spike through the roof, it would be great. (Err…not sure if its been done in the code but probably should make sure droid races can’t be cloned. Just…throwing that out there. 😛 )

    • Gyndi Participant
      June 11, 2012 at 10:02 pm #19213

      I don’t think it would be too weird, they would just be like “well, looks like my connection to the force was weakened” or something. I dunno, though. I guess if no one else has a problem with forcers cloning without issue, it’s not a big deal. I just thought I’d mention it because I know some people still rage to this day about Babuir clones.

    • Walldo Keymaster
      June 11, 2012 at 10:47 pm #19215

      This is something we’ve been angling towards for a little while now but not quite there yet

    • Alevious Participant
      June 12, 2012 at 12:08 am #19216

      I wasn’t around when cloning was in, but if it were to be implemented I’d like to see it as something that a ‘service’ type clan would be able to develop. Just a thought.

    • Ocerion Participant
      June 12, 2012 at 7:05 am #19218

      Alevious, a week ago I agreed with that entirely. Not sure what happened exactly, but I’d just like a shift back to something a little closer to how it used to be, with readily available cloning for everyone. Just a personal view of course, that doesn’t make yours any less valid. The actual issue here is just the big luls in action that occur sometimes, they’re mostly a direct result of the belief that any action will result in immediately starting over. But if that wasn’t the case…

    • Bai Participant
      June 12, 2012 at 9:12 am #19219

      …Was my question deleted?

      I asked how do clones degrade now?

    • Altrez Participant
      June 12, 2012 at 10:36 am #19220

      On cloned forcers, remember Jedi Master C’baoth from the Zahn books? They noted that as a clone he had trouble concentrating within the force, and it left him scatter brained, confused, ultimately like a shell of his former self trying to relive its former mission.

    • Kirash Participant
      June 12, 2012 at 1:56 pm #19221

      Right now, the only clone degredation involves one of two things:

      1) A person gets cloned. That clone has a high chance to fail. If it does not fail, the clone awakens, and the clone clones him or herself again, then the chance of failure for the new clone increases. These chances increase for each subsequent clone of a clone.

      2) A person gets cloned. If that clone awakens, a person has the choice to RP some kind of mental or physical degradation, but is completely optional and most likely not even considered by most people.

    • Ocerion Participant
      June 13, 2012 at 7:28 am #19222

      Altrez, see: Palpatines Clones.

      Given that I’ve never read the story I won’t use them as anything more than “They don’t look like they had a problem…” But actually, good ole C’baoth (And Babuir with his 13 successful fucking clones. Coincidence my ass.) is precisely why I’m all in favor of taking huge hits to your max force levels, BUT, after the first one works. (Or…doesn’t. As may be the case.) and the only reason the first one matters, well. Ok imagine this. You apply for a character, this character has, according to his history, always been force sensitive. Taken into the Jedi Order at an early age, his whole life he knows nothing other than the force, etc etc etc. RP wise, it makes little sense, (And it would frankly suck for the poor guy judging by what the few books I’ve read says) that he’s suddenly taken such a hit. Honestly though, I don’t care so terribly much in either direction, I’d shrug and smile with “Forcers lose all connection to the force after cloning.” If they just had cloning in at all, lol.

    • Zeromus Participant
      June 13, 2012 at 5:09 pm #19223

      Why not make it so forcers are unawakened and have to be retrained if they die and the clone is awakened? Make it so it drops their max force level down to what it was pre gains, so there’s a potential for a hit but dying as a forcer isn’t just a simple you’re cloned and now you’re back type thing.

    • Jinjin Member
      June 13, 2012 at 5:44 pm #19224

      I remember back in the day that you also had to RP your clone awakening. You don’t have the momories of the last X days or months. This can change a lot of actions, IE being mad at someone for sleeping with your old lady. Well now you have no idea again, so stuff is all good in your hood. As far as I remember there has always been a chance for your clone not to activate. I would be hesitant to say that after 1 good clone your chance of failure jumps to say 45%, then 65%, then 85%, mostly because I can see someone crying “I was cloned by the Keminos…they are the masters of cloning” ect. It could just be the bad week I’ve been having, but I really do see that occuring.

      On the other side of the coin many of us would be happy with the chance of a clone. And I agree that it would remove a lot of the stagnation that is occuring right now. The one down side I saw with cloning was the cost. at one point it cost 20 million to update a clone. There should be a way to update your clone, with it only costing say half a million or even 5 million.

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