Legends of the Jedi Forums The Brainstormtorium Clan Taxes. Rea life and balancing rolled into one.
This topic has 29 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 12 months ago by Delk.
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    • Oteri Participant
      May 16, 2013 at 10:46 pm #21913

      While we’re at it, I’d like to bring up that some people here don’t know that they’re allowed to RP things that aren’t specifically coded into the game. Like federal taxes and voting for Senators.

    • Kirash Participant
      May 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm #21914

      If cargo taxes aren’t being sent to the controlling government, this needs to be rectified. It is the controlling government that sets the tax rate for the planet, not the planet itself. It would encourage tax competition between popular trade routes.

    • neven Participant
      May 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm #21915

      Think of it as state taxes vs. federal taxes. Major clans are federal governments, not state governments.

    • Kirash Participant
      May 19, 2013 at 2:14 pm #21916

      In real life, that would be true. In the game, though, it is the controlling clan that sets the taxes. This is one time that I think reality should not compromise game mechanics.

    • Oteri Participant
      May 20, 2013 at 11:30 pm #21927

      Anyone else feel this post is contrived and pointless?

    • downer Participant
      May 21, 2013 at 7:11 am #21929

      Oteri not at all, as someone who is tired of spending most of his active time running cargo instead of RP’ing not at all.  As a minimum I think cargo routes should be taxed and sent to the controlling government.


      If someone thinks that standing on platforms with a bunch of guards making people pay taxes when they are running cargo is a good game dynmaic, and would turn out well, they have questionable intellect.

    • Delk Member
      May 21, 2013 at 7:10 pm #21931

      Kirash. Currently if tax income is taken away from planets. We would have to devise a new way to calculate regeneration of funds. Lastly it makes more sense for planet to get more taxes then the actual government.  Lastly. This was to also remove shop vendors from the higher taxrate setting that is solely for cargo regeneration. Shops only recently started going to the clans. Yet the tax rate for them is high. If they would be put into federal taxes only. It would equal out to be more total credits more then likely for the government. Yet far more distributed. Lastly anyway to make a formal ship selling way for engineering clans so it could be taxed?

    • Kirash Participant
      May 22, 2013 at 8:48 am #21932

      Then send a percentage of the cargo taxes to the controlling government.

    • neven Participant
      May 22, 2013 at 5:03 pm #21933

      Kirash has great counterpoints. I’m with Kirash.

    • Delk Member
      May 22, 2013 at 5:37 pm #21934

      I see no counterpoints. Just failing to read… Current planet taxes have a purpose.  Any removal of those and you mess up the planetary regeneration. So why not just add another smaller tax stat that does not affect planetary AI at all. Why we cannot take funds from the baseline planet tax rates. It will cripple cargo. Its a catch 22. Either improve the system or don’t. Its rework AI so planet taxes do not dictate planetary funds. Or add a simple tax.

    • frumpalumpaguss Participant
      May 22, 2013 at 6:14 pm #21935

      I’m not entirely savvy on the mechanics of the game, so I won’t even begin to argue the points about that.  However I will say this, when an entire government lives and dies on the same 3 people running cargo constantly, that is when the game becomes boring and unrealistic.  While this wouldn’t be as big of an issue if EVERYONE did their part for the govt, we all know that won’t happen, and there isn’t any point in arguing it.  So bottom line is, I agree with adding another dimension that will bring money to the clan without ruining the cargo system.

    • neven Participant
      May 22, 2013 at 6:59 pm #21936

      He already said, “a percentage of.” For example, if planetary taxes are 20%, 10% could go back into planet funds and the other 10% to clan funds, since as he mentioned, it is the clan that sets the taxrate which I had failed to consider before. Adding “another” smaller tax stat is basically the exact same thing he just suggested just a different way of going about it. As far as I know and I could totally be wrong because I’ve learned better than to even deal with the bullshit that comes with having to control planets and stuff, the taxes going back to planetary funds are moot because it would be identical to having 0% tax and just lowering the prices on things. When you get 1000 credits and then pay 100 for the 10% tax the planet loses 900 credits and you gain 900 credits. This would be exactly the same as just lowering the price so that you’d get 900 credits in the first place with 0% tax. Planetary funds reset on the tick regardless and aren’t even tied to the planetary economy the way shops and quests are. Right now taxes basically don’t do anything (when it comes to cargo running that is) except make you have to set higher prices on the cargo itself than you would otherwise need for the same amount of personal profit.

    • Kirash Participant
      May 22, 2013 at 7:31 pm #21937

      The fact of the matter remains that somewhere buried inside the mess that passes for a forum discussion here, there needs to be some kind alternative method of revenue generation aside from praying you have active cargo botters. I offered up my suggestions. It doesn’t matter whether or not Delk actually reads them. Just in case he doesn’t:

      A) Have a passive system set up that awards credits based on the number of planets you control a la Empire at War.

      B) Have a percentage of the taxes garnered from buying and selling cargo go to the governing clan. This would set up the possibility of “Tax Wars” between popular trade routes. Alternatively, if people don’t really care for government, they could go run cargo on Neutral planets that would have a lower credit yield, but they would not have to worry about “taxes” going to governments they don’t really care for.

      Does that sum it up well enough for you now?

    • Delk Member
      May 22, 2013 at 7:44 pm #21938

      If you remove the 10 to 20% of taxes you will be limited to only 25000 credits per planetary tick. Neven taxes do one thing. That is regulate planetary regeneration of funds past 25,000. Why a second tax would work better. Since it would not affect the original tax that to be honest. Needs to be slightly higher at times then it can allow. Why again. A just straight second tax rate that can be adjusted to leave planetary AI alone would be easiest. Also it would allow shops to not be taxed at the same rate as planetary AI needs for good regeneration.

    • Delk Member
      May 22, 2013 at 7:45 pm #21939

      Also well put Frump. Lets add a revenue that will not screw up any current game mechanics. ONLY add to it.

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