This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by Onasaki.
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    • Onasaki Participant
      December 9, 2012 at 11:22 pm #20442

      Well, well… never thought you’d see me again? Would you? WOULD YOU!? XD

      Anyway, more on topic, what I’d like to see is an update on the ‘actions’ that we’re given when we’re making something, slicing something, or doing a particular social. Now, I understand that it’s probably set up the way it is, for a reason. Though, considering all the new code going in lately, and the all that fun stuff (Not to mention the increase in RP I’ve seen, but lets not go into that). I figure, it was a good time to drop this little ol’ idea.

      And that’s to be able to manually set up actions. So instead of just typing ‘lean’ and it shows off you leaning against a wall with your arms folded, I’d like to see it so that you can lean against a ship, or a door, or something. You know? It would work something along the lines of “action is leaning against the nearby Firespray Patrol Craft ‘Winter’, eyes on his datapad.”

      Which would come up as “A strong, good-looking Human male is standing against the nearby Firespray Patrol Craft ‘Winter’, eyes on his datapad”

      That way, we could set our own actions, instead of having to be limited to just the socials. Of course, this wouldn’t overwrite pre-determined actions, or render them obsolete, ’cause I know there’s a lot of code that goes into setting up skills to show up properly when one looks into a room. It would just make it less limited to certain actions. You know?


      Anyway, discuss, argue, whatevs. I’ll be over here in the corner, watching. >.>

    • Coya Participant
      December 9, 2012 at 11:29 pm #20445

      Unless I’m drunk, and that’s entirely possible there is already an action command that does exactly that.

    • Walldo Keymaster
      December 9, 2012 at 11:30 pm #20447

      Yup, we’ve got that. The command is actiondesc

    • Onasaki Participant
      December 9, 2012 at 11:40 pm #20449

      Orly? Huh. Must’ve missed that, then. XD

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