This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by Seryb.
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    • Seryb Participant
      November 26, 2012 at 12:28 am #20278

      I’m going ham tonight on the forums I know… Bored at work and think these three skills would be awesome additions.

      Ram: Level 110 piloting. A pilot is able to ploy a collision course with an enemy vessel destroying his own and dealing massive damage in the process. (Maybe like 2/3’s your current hill value to their vessel with half that making it right through the shields and becoming unrepairable due to the severity of the collision. if they had no shields at the time they would take it all and if it exceeded their current hull both ships would explode)

      My thinking behind this : We’ve all been in a losing space battle before where we get pinned down and have no hope of escape. When the opposing pilot had no military with em and is a weak combatant themself this usually just slag you. With Ram you can go down with your ship as every captain should and wreak havoc in the process

      Fakeprofile: Espio 140 You are able to open a history buffer where you right a fake profile. A high enough slicer can still see the original with lookup. (if they have more levels than 140 when they try.) Otherwise a medical type can do a DNA test.

      DNA test: Medical 115. Beats fakeprofile.

      I felt like ram was the only one that needed real in depth explaining.



    • Seryb Participant
      November 26, 2012 at 12:30 am #20279

      Ps forgive all spelling tonight these posts were done from the iPhone which is terrible for typing in these forums. All shorts of crazy shit happens.

    • Sarac Participant
      November 27, 2012 at 7:35 am #20297

      I actually quite like fakeprofile.


      Ram, not so sure about… DNA test I think would be cool..


      I like fakeprofile

    • Zakattack Participant
      November 27, 2012 at 7:42 am #20298

      I /LOVE/ the idea of fake profile. I really do. And in order to balance it out I like the idea of DNA test and the slicer thing.

    • Miros Keymaster
      November 27, 2012 at 8:09 am #20300

      how about, if your file is encrypted, a slicer can then give you a fakeprofile.  i kind of like the idea that the slicer who is setting up your fake documents has to see them in the process

      high level slicer then does a lookup, sees that there is a hidden profile (the real one) decrypts it, and bam!  real profile.  fake profile would start out just as a fake bio, different name, race, etc could come later maybe with feats.  master forgerer!

    • Zakattack Participant
      November 27, 2012 at 1:44 pm #20305

      “how about, if your file is encrypted, a slicer can then give you a fakeprofile.”  -Could you do it on yourself?

      I think this would go well with the advanced_disguise skill too. Have a totally different persona, with only skilled slicers and bounty hunters being able to see through it!

    • Seryb Participant
      November 27, 2012 at 2:26 pm #20306

      Also as an added benefit could we enhance the “greet as” command? Right now when you greet someone as “jack” for instance you name appears in pink… instead of people going with it half they time they ask for a formal greeting or are immediately suspicious… Similar to public title could have a “fake title” for instance that people of a certain smuggling or whatever level type get?

      Oh shit, I just got another one too… if you don’t like Ram (Which I still think would be cool) what about a jettison command we actually use? I’ve never seen someone jettison cargo in my 10-12 years here it would be nice to see that kept around and tweaked to become more useful but I’m thinking about a “Jettisonpods” skill where you would basically set it like this:

      Jettisonpods, #number of pods, #number of rounds… SImilar to autolaunch but to dump your pods, then you could launch out of a pod with em… Enemy ships would see all these pods go giving the pilot a chance to escape, or if the enemy boarded you, you could set the SD, jettison the pods, and take the last for yourself.


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