Emperor Wren


The Coronation of Emperor Wren

Broadcasting Network [Coruscant]: The Imperial Cog spins onto a black screen as the usual trumpets and fanfare plays, before fading out to show the majestic Imperial Throne, a chiss in silver robes with blue lining standing before it. Kneeling before him are many Imperials ranging from Imperial Officers to Imperial Stormtroopers. Standing at the chiss male's side is a dark figure wearing a golden skull mask holding a silk lined pillow, atop of which is a blackened Imperial crown covered in sith runes. The dark figure begins to
speak, his voice firm and resolute.

"People of the galaxy, it fell on me, Grand Admiral Tharon Vale, to bring an end to the war with the Rebellion and I have fulfilled my tasks. It is my great pleasure to announce that the Empire has found one worthy of being its Emperor, a true leader who has fought alongside us in the fields and in the skies, one who has given his everything to this Empire. Until such a time as Lord Emperor Invictus may return, it is my overwhelming honor to announce the official coronation of Lord Emperor Wren, Emperor of an Eternal Empire. Long live the Emperor. Forever live the Empire."

With this the dark figure extends his hands and thus the crown out to the Chiss, who takes it and places it on his head. Looking thoughtful for a moment, the Chiss takes several steps back, sits on the throne and leans back ever so slightly before the crowd before him erupts in applause, numerous people shouting their approval. The sound of the Imperial March begins to thunderously pound out its beat as the view pulls back further before finally fading to black to be replaced by a slightly modified Imperial Cog.
Author Klor
Categories news press release
Views 270

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