2 Months Prior


Alderaan elects a Senator for the New Republic

"Queen Amaya Organa is tearing up the royal protocol sheet today, as she prepares to give a very rare, unprecedented media address! We can head now to our royal correspondent who is waiting outside Aldera Royal Palace."

The holo-cam switches to the image of royal reporter Denise Wrin standing outside, "Yes, we're standing outside Aldera Palace, waiting for a glimpse of the Queen, we're unsure what prompted her to agree to a statement but palace sources say it's due to the speculation surrounding the fate of the monarchy once Alderaan joins the Republic. Last months polls suggested the Monarchy held a majority, but a slightly lower vote was in favour of electing a Senator to represent Alderaan in the Senate."

The image quickly shifts to show the emblem of the Alderaanian Monarchy before the image of Queen Amaya slowly comes in to view. "I thank you for the opportunity to speak to you directly today, as we prepare for the official ceremony, and subsequent celebrations as we begin the transition of being represented by the Republic Senate. The monarchy is woven in to the fabric of our society, with over a thousand years of history. I believe House Organa are guardians of that tradition and history, and that is a responsibility I solemnly swear to continue to honor and uphold within my capacity as a figurehead of democracy. To that end, House Organa -will- remain on Alderaan as a symbol of stability, guardians of our art, culture and peaceful way of life. I look forward to working with Senator-elect Evander Mendietta-Plaza as he represents the interests of Alderaan in the Galactic Republic."
Author Klor
Categories news press release
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