Space Spam Reduction


A new set of configs to reduce spam in space

I've added four new config options:

gagpirates: Hides any messages related to pirates in combat when you're not targeting them and they're not targeting you. You'll still see them entering the system and blowing up, but no spam about them fighting orbitals.

gagshipmiss: Hides any messages related to ships missing each other.

gagshipsquad: Merges weapons messages from all fighters from the same capital ship. For example, instead of 12 lines of "Some Fighter 'ABC123' fires lasers at you!" you would see "EnemyShip's squadrons fire lasers at you! [x12]"

gagshipbg: Like the squadron option, but groups messages from the same battlegroup together rather than showing all three ships firing individually.

This was not a simple change and required a substantial rework of some inner workings of the space code, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try it out if you can, maybe in the holosimulators, before we get into some serious fleet action, and let me know if anything looks off.

Some of the messages are worded slightly differently now, so if you have triggers on space combat messages, you'll want to check on them to make sure they pick up on the current text.

I've also recolored a few of the critical alert messages to be bright red instead of dark red. This includes shields being down and any systems being knocked offline.
Author Klor
Categories code updates news
Views 210

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