Minor Changes


Targeting, battlestations, yubnub, and more

- Ship targeting should now be a bit smarter. If you enter a ship's full custom name (the part in quotes), it should always pick the intended ship. For example, if there's a 'Angry' and an 'Angry Beaver' in the same room and someone tries to do "info angry", they will always get 'Angry', not the beaver version.

- Track will only consider potential targets in your current starsystem. This means that you should be able to reliably track mobs that might appear on multiple planets, like criminals.

- Farspeak and mindtalk will now work when using a dubbed, informed, or greeted name other than the target's actual character name. Using their actual character name even if you don't have a greet for them will continue to work.

* The old code for targeting characters which I've replaced was pretty finicky and complex. If you notice any strangeness when trying to target other characters after this change, please let me know.

- The awareness spell can no longer be used in hyperspace to detect other force users who are also in hyperspace.

- $N and other invalid tokens are no longer allowed in setdraw, as this would cause crashes. Valid tokens are:
$n: wielder's name
$s: his/her/its/their for wielder
$e: he/she/it/they for wielder
$m: him/her/it/them for wielder
$p: the name of the weapon

- Battlestations or larger ships can now only be the leader of their battlegroup and will always be in central position.

- Removed yubyub from the languages list, so it'll no longer show up as being 110% learned.
Author Klor
Categories code updates news
Views 249

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