Jedi Applications Open


Seeking good aligned character applications for people that want to play a forcer

We are now taking Jedi applications. We're looking for characters who would follow the Jedi code and have a pretty straightforward good alignment, and players who are interested in both RP and PVP. If you're interested, fill out a force app on the website and be sure to include: Your character's background, primary philosophy/personality traits, and some insight into how they might approach the game's current setting. We have not yet made any decisions about exact force level or whether a character would come into the game pre-awakened or just with force potential, so there's no need for a backstory about how they got force and where they've been hiding. At this stage, we're more interested in who they are.

We'd like to build up a pool of applications which we can accept on an as-needed basis throughout the era, so there's no specific  timeline for approval/denial decisions. If you'd like to withdraw your app as time goes on, just let us know via immchat.
Author Klor
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