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[:: Legends Of The Jedi ::]

Syntax: leadplanet <command>

Any clan leader or the appointed governor (with the diplomat empowerment) of a
planet can control its settings using the LEADPLANET command. Entering the
command with no arguments shows an overview of the current settings and state.

When managing a planet, you will need to keep three values in balance: Public
opinion, your clan's military presence, and the crime rate. There are a variety
of factors leading into each of these three numbers, so see their dedicated
helpfiles for more.

Planets produce tax revenue for their government, but also require some money
to operate, primarily to fund military levels on the planet. The amount of
income generated by the current tax rate is shown on SHOWPLANET <planet> to
members of the controlling clan.

Options for Government Clans:

leadplanet military <#>: Sets the target military presence for the planet. This
costs the clan an amount based on the target number and the planet's population
each hour, as shown on SHOWPLANET. Actual military presence will trend toward
this gradually over time, assuming crime is not higher than the current
presence. See HELP MILITARY PRESENCE for more.
leadplanet tax <#>: Sets the tax rate to this percentage. Taxes can be set from
0% to 30%. Taxes below 10% will generally make the populace happy, and over 20%
will make them upset.
leadplanet blockade: Enacts a blockade on the planet. This requires a clan
member to be in a corvette or larger within 7500 units of the planet. The
blockade can be ended using the same command, or will be ended as soon as there
is no longer a clan member in a corvette or larger near the planet.
leadplanet freeport: Toggles freeport status. Freeport planets don't require a
permit to trade cargo and will not charge any taxes when selling or buying
leadplanet embargo: Toggles embargo status. Players can't sell or buy cargo
normally on planets under embargo. Trafficking will bypass this, however.
leadplanet holiday: Declares a planetary holiday, making the population
temporarily happier but costing the clan some planetary income.
leadplanet yield <target>: Yields control over the planet to the clan of the
given player in your room. The RP circumstances must justify ceding the planet
or it will be revoked as per SPYAPP rules.
leadplanet broadcast <message>: Sends an official broadcast from the planet.
This type of broadcast will be sent without the (Private Signal) notice
accompanying broadcasts sent via the networkhack or broadcast skills.
leadplanet cargopass: Generates one cargo permit for the planet.
leadplanet wanted <view/clear>: Shows or resets the list of players who are
wanted for crimes committed on the planet.

Options for Crime Clans:

Crime clan members can use leadplanet on any planet if they are a member of
clan leadership or have been granted the diplomat empowerment.

leadplanet network: Establishes or removes a crime network for your clan on the
planet. There is a one-time cost of 100,000 credits to establish a network.
Once established, crime-impacting abilities by your clan members will be 33%
more effective and your clan will get a cut of tax income based on the crime
rating, as shown on SHOWPLANET.


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