This topic has 22 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 2 months ago by LotJKorr.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)
    • Gann Participant
      November 14, 2008 at 6:26 pm #861

      RACE: Koruuni
      Str Plus: 0 Dex Plus: 3 Wis Plus: 1 Int Plus: 1
      Con Plus: 0 Cha Plus: 2 Lck Plus: 2
      Hit Pts: 1050 AC Mod: 0 Frc Plus: 0
      Price: 5000 Deposit: 3000 App Only: Yes
      Default Language: basic
      Possible Skincolors:
      (34) white (35) ivory
      (36) tan (37) light brown
      (38) dark brown
      Affected by: none
      combat Modifier: +30
      piloting Modifier: +0
      engineering Modifier: -30
      bounty hunting Modifier: -20
      smuggling Modifier: +10
      diplomacy Modifier: +25
      leadership Modifier: +35
      force Modifier: +10
      espionage Modifier: _10
      slicer Modifier: +20
      medical Modifier: -10
      science Modifier: +15

      Just an idea, give inputs on what ya’ll think pelase, would be much appreciated.

    • Avanga Member
      November 14, 2008 at 6:33 pm #8154

      It’ll end up app-only like Miraluka and Dathomiri anyways. <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –>

      Also, that thing would be a multi-avatar BEAST with the right class choice.

    • Gann Participant
      November 14, 2008 at 6:35 pm #8155

      That’s fine, but it also opens up the possibility to have Haruun Kal built and so much more, I just completed reading a Star Wars book called &quot;Shatterpoint&quot; and through reading that I noticed there’s so much RP experiance that can come from that race alone.

    • Corey Participant
      November 15, 2008 at 7:26 am #8160

      How about giving us what the helpfile would read for this race.

    • Gann Participant
      November 15, 2008 at 7:04 pm #8162

      I’m working on that now, hard as shit to find stuff on Windu’s race man, so im researching and finding allthe best things I can.

    • Gann Participant
      November 15, 2008 at 8:05 pm #8163

      [b:pm7j37a9] Overview[/b:pm7j37a9]
      The Korunnai are essentially a subspecies of human born on the planet Haruun Kal in the system of Al’har. All members of the race are force-sensitive and are organized into tribes, each being called a Ghôsh. The Korun had many gift’s that came with their connection with the force their whole live’s, one was called Pelekotan which is a very vivid vision of the near future, something like the Jedi have in their dreams.

      In very much evert aspect the Korun are the exact same to baseline humans, except for the whole being force sensitive from the day they are born. Korun are very loyal in their belief’s of their Ghosh, their families, the Korun were known to carry around vibro-shields that bound around their arms, powerful weapons once activated, lightsabers were un able to cut them, but the shields were able to cut through tree’s and thin durasteel.

      In times of the Banking Guild’s and the renegade Seperatists Haruun Kal was retrofitted with the latest in tracking and communications gear by the Banking Guild, Haruun Kal is rich with certain spices and even the bark off certain trees has made this planet one of the wealthiests hidden secrets in the Galaxy. On Harrun Kal there is one powerful user in each tribe, which is known as the ‘Lor Pelek’, or Witch Doctor in basic, very powerful, and a master of Pelekotan. When the Banking Guild and the Seperatists consumed the planet it became an instant battle field between the Korruni and the Balawui, the forests held by the Korun and dominated the night, the Balawui held the city and streets and dominated the day time. The jungles of Haruun Kal produced a fungi that ate anything metal.

      [b:pm7j37a9]Role in LotJ[/b:pm7j37a9]
      Korunnai’s intense connection with the Living Force and their admiration for their Ghosh made them very loyal and respected beings in the Galaxy. They have very well known for their interest in self advancement and creativity, their leadership is renowned which is the reason they have lived through so many Galactic Wars surviving almost un-scaved. Their physical appearence is third to their Ghosh and connection with the force and self advancement. Korun strive to perfect their their skill of Pelekotan and focused very much on their goals. Even when one does advance to Lor Pelek he or she still has the inner battle to become stronger and more advanced then the previous Lor Pelek. They draw on their instinct and intuition that flow through them with their important connect to the Jungle and the force.

      [b:pm7j37a9]Famous Korunni[/b:pm7j37a9]
      Mace Windu, Jedi Master, has a seat on the Jedi Council, famous for is Vaapad fighting style, student of Master Yoda.
      Kar Vastor, Doshalo of Mace Windu, Lor Pelek and master of Pelekotan on Haruun Kal (Star War’s book &quot;Shatterpoint&quot;)

      Just an idea, quickly written up but gives a good overview of what the helpfile would look like.

    • Gann Participant
      November 16, 2008 at 11:11 pm #8166

      Come on people, post your replies, give input, I wanna know what people think of this race and the helpfile.

    • Corey Participant
      November 17, 2008 at 2:22 am #8167

      I guess if I had read the books or I dunno…something…I might like the idea. As it stands now, they don’t seem to be anything special to me *shrugs*

    • Gann Participant
      November 17, 2008 at 4:15 am #8169

      In the book, there’s so much appertunity that could be brought to the mud, the tribes, the thyssil bark trading (some sort of spice), the city and jungle being ruled by two different races, the rank’s in the tribes which opens up possibility for clan options and if the planet’s built there’s TONS of hidden facilities on the planet in the forest’s and in the building’s in the city.

    • mutters Participant
      November 17, 2008 at 3:12 pm #8172

      Everyone’s a forcer. yay.

    • Troll Participant
      November 17, 2008 at 8:39 pm #8178
      &quot;mutters&quot;:r8d8wh9i wrote:
      Everyone’s a forcer. yay.[/quote:r8d8wh9i]

      Much like Dathomiri, Firrerreo, Miraluka etc.

    • Ranman Participant
      November 17, 2008 at 10:04 pm #8179
      &quot;Gann&quot;:272scbjh wrote:
      In the book, there’s so much appertunity that could be brought to the mud, the tribes, the thyssil bark trading (some sort of spice), the city and jungle being ruled by two different races, the rank’s in the tribes which opens up possibility for clan options and if the planet’s built there’s TONS of hidden facilities on the planet in the forest’s and in the building’s in the city.[/quote:272scbjh]

      You could say the same and more of dozens(hundreds!?) of races and planets from Star Wars that are featured in the books, the games and such.

    • Avanga Member
      November 17, 2008 at 10:23 pm #8180

      Another thing is, you’re banking on Korunni clans. That means like, four or more Korunni. Try finding four of /anything/ that’s app only in the MUD.

    • Gann Participant
      November 18, 2008 at 5:32 am #8183

      Not ALL Korunni clans were JUST Koruuni man, like I said the planets a base for spice traders and smuggler, there’s many different races in several different of the clans, but they mounted to no more then muscle, disposable muscle at that, almost each clan was their very own crime tribe.

    • mutters Participant
      November 18, 2008 at 8:03 pm #8188
      &quot;Avanga&quot;:dwk8y4y4 wrote:
      Another thing is, you’re banking on Korunni clans. That means like, four or more Korunni. Try finding four of /anything/ that’s app only in the MUD.[/quote:dwk8y4y4]

      It’s hard to find anything that isn’t a human lately.

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