Desolation Alley Updates


Some changes to the prison and a new mob to assist with tattoo removal

After reviewing feedback around Desolation Alley, the Warden has made a few layout updates and a major change to tattoos:

* In-processing layout has been reconfigured slightly:
   * Interview/Execution room moved northwest of where it was connected.
   * Two temporary holding cells added for a total of three.
* Prisoner tattoos may now be removed via a mob.

Following several discussions in the #ideas channel with a lot of different suggestions, we combined several approaches to the issues of unfair judgement and convicts feeling scarred by their tattoos, or simply unable to properly min/max (yeah, you heard me, you heckin' lamers).

The purpose of expanding the temporary holding cells is to allow the government places to put perpetrators while awaiting an interview without officially processing them into the system and thus ensuring they receive a tattoo. These are meant to be used for only a couple of hours at most - not some long-term storage solution.

Despite abit of debate, I have decided that prisoner tattoos will remain for all classes of convicts, and to keep it at the current stats. Trust me when I say that there is a reason that you will want this tattoo at some point in the future. However, we understand that you may not particularly like your cool new ink, so there is now a dodgy surgical droid on Petabys station that is able to remove it for you... for a price. Right now, this droid only works on prisoner tattoos, but will soon-ish be upgraded to work on all tattoos across the galaxy.
Author Klor
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Views 270

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