Datamem Templates


A preview into the new datamem templates code


Introducing templates for your datapads! This new feature will allow you to create templates in a datamem file, and then use a command to fill in the blanks, speeding the process of paperwork and making it easier to make things look nice!

NOTE: This is an early release of a feature that is still in development. The syntax and functionality of the command will probably change, including the format of the templates themselves. You have been warned!

Here is a simple example.

Imagine you have a disk loaded into slot 1 with the following text:

Name: {{{name}}}
Occupation: {{{occupation}}}

You could then create a new disk with the template filled in using the following command (NOTE: using newdatamem here)

newdatamem template 1 name=Miros occupation=Nerf Herder

This will then create a new disk that looks like this:

Name: Miros
Occupation: Nerf Herder

A few notes -
* Do not use quotation marks in the syntax for this thing, just don't do it. Maybe this will work right eventually.
* Spaces are fine, look at the example.
* If it doesn't do what you expect, please send me a DM on discord describing what happened and what you would have wanted to happen.
* Note, use THREE CURLY BRACES, not one, not two, THREE.
* Should mash up nicely with datamem upload / download. Clans can publish templates to follow!

Send me feedback, and enjoy!
<3 Miros

Extra note - the closing curly braces need to be escaped, so to get three of them you will need to put six, like this }}}}}}
Author Klor
Categories code updates news
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