Clearstack Command


A new command that lets you clear input stack

I was made aware of a strategy where people would bash (or use a similar command with a cooldown) and then stack a bunch of commands. If they wanted to change which commands they had stacked, they would disconnect and immediately reconnect to clear the stack. That is stupid, and unnecessary.

To fix that, I've added a CLEARSTACK command to clear your stacked commands from the buffer while waiting for a cooldown.

Now that this command exists, we'd prefer if y'all didn't linkdead to try to reset it. Thanks!

Prompt Token


You can now add %S %wto your prompt to see your command stack, which you are then able to clear with clearstack. This can be particularly useful during combat. Enjoy!

MSDP Addition


Pretty self-explanatory, you can now use COMMANDSTACK in MSDP to get your stack, just like the %S prompt token.

Author Klor
Categories code updates news
Views 393

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