Legends of the Jedi Forums Share Yo’ Scripts The MSDP Thread
This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by Fishy.
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
    • Xerakon Moderator
      August 13, 2012 at 4:53 pm #19715

      Started this thread as a reference for the MSDP help files, and to post all changes and additions to the MUD’s MSDP variables. More to come.

    • Xerakon Moderator
      August 13, 2012 at 5:09 pm #19716

      Here is a XML file including the MSDP puller for CMud. Not all variables are included in the pull alias, as I do not use them all for my purposes. However, if you want to add them in, feel free to modify it by adding or removing them from the pattern in the alias.

      pull alias:     VREPORT

      Once you’ve used vreport, it will pull all of the specified variables for the first time, and continuously pull when the MUD decides they should update. When one updates, they all update. However, I haven’t noticed lag or any such. Be aware that turning off your triggers and scripting, copyovers, crashes, and logging out, will shut down your MSDP. I recommend setting a trigger for “VREPORT” after all of these occassions. Also, ensure to add follow-on commands, such as SCORE, that will update your credits information, as was designed by Rojan, our MSDP IMM.

      Download Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/93993914/MSDP%20Script.xml

    • Kirash Participant
      February 21, 2015 at 7:40 pm #24747

      You just spoke a whole bunch of Latin to me. Explain it again in layman’s terms for dumb people like me.

    • Xavious Participant
      February 23, 2015 at 10:36 am #24754

      MSDP (Mud Server Data Protocol) is used to transmit variables from the mud server to the mud client in a back end “behind the scenes” fashion. It is somewhat reminiscent of how $_SESSION variables work in a web browser when interfacing with a web server. The important thing to note is that these variables are transmitted outside the typical text output of the mud and in a fashion that allows developers to use them in external plugins/scripts.

      A common example of how they are used would be the visible HP/Movement/Mana bars you can create in high end mud clients or the character sheets generated outside the standard mud output. In the case of the HP/Mana bars, you could easily generate this information using regular expressions in a prompt trigger. However, prompts are not static and can be changed by players or when the IMMs change the default prompts. MSDP transmits these values in a standard format that IS much more static and more efficient in the long term.

      There is another forum post somewhere posted by Rojan that lists all the MSDP variables supported by Lotj. Johnson has already created a plugin for MUSHclient that includes all of the Lotj MSPD information, which is why it is a pre-requisite for the majority, if not all, of his plugins.

    • StormRyder Participant
      February 23, 2015 at 11:33 am #24756

      Never messed with plug-ins myself but this looks interesting. I wonder if it would work with my client, Zmud.

    • Xerakon Moderator
      February 23, 2015 at 2:48 pm #24757

      The new link I’ve posted is for CMUD, which falls very closely with ZMUD. You should be able to make it work. If not, let me know. All of my plugins and built on the zugg platform. Also, Kirash, I’ve submitted a helpfile to Walldo for MSDP already. Once it’s up, it helps to explain a lot about what MSDP is.

    • Xerakon Moderator
      February 23, 2015 at 2:51 pm #24759

      Here’s the first draft of the helpfile.. the rest are condensed and color-coded, but this should give you a basic idea.

      MSDP (Mud Server Data Protocol)

      Legends of the Jedi is now MSDP enabled!

      Great! So, what is MSDP?
      MUD servers often want to send additional data to a MUD client that doesn’t necessarily need to be displayed. MSDP, or Mud Server Data Protocol, addresses this issue by providing a route for MUD servers to send variables their values to MUD clients that can be both generic or specific for the MUD in question.

      What does this mean to me?
      This means that common variables that we may want to monitor heavily, such as health, movement, stats, credits, etc., are all able to be easily tracked now. The great thing about MSDP is that much of the information is now instantaneous which allows for great client-side interfaces, such as health and move gauges, that no longer rely on inaccurate screen-capturing methods.

      How do I get started?
      Some clients, such as MUSHClient, fully support MSDP and make it rather easy to pull the data from the MUD’s telnet level. Others, such as CMud, are a royal PITA, and need specific scripting, as they do not support it, and have no desire to at current. Get involved in the LotJ forums for help with capturing the info on your client!

      MSDP project home page:

      LotJ MSDP Thread:

      Current MSDP Variables on LotJ


      CHARACTERNAME Character name
      SERVERID Server name
      SNIPPETVERSION Snippet version
      AFFECTS Affected by
      HEALTHMAX Maximum HP
      MOVEMENT Movement
      MOVEMENTMAX Maximum Movement
      MANA Force ponts
      MANAMAX Maximum force points
      RACE Race
      CLAN Affiliation

      TOPLEVEL Mort/Wiz level
      CLASS Main class
      LEVELCOMBAT Combat level
      LEVELPILOTING Piloting level
      LEVELENGINEERING Engineering level
      LEVELHUNTING Bounty hunting level
      LEVELSMUGGLING Smuggling level
      LEVELDIPLOMACY Diplomacy level
      LEVELLEADERSHIP Leadership level
      LEVELFORCE Force level
      LEVELESPIONAGE Espionage level
      LEVELSLICER Slicer level
      LEVELMEDIC Medical level
      LEVELSCIENCE Science level

      STAT takes gear into account. STATPERM is only modified by training the stat and cybernetics

      AC Armor
      HITROLL Hitroll
      DAMROLL Damroll
      STR Strength
      DEX Dexterity
      CON Constitution
      INT Intelligence
      WIS Wisdom
      CHA Charisma
      STRPERM Base strength
      DEXPERM Base dexterity
      CONPERM Base constitution
      INTPERM Base intelligence
      WISPERM Base wisdom
      CHAPERM Base charisma

      COMMCHANNEL Comlink frequency
      COMMENCRYPT Comlink encryption

      * Updates only with SCORE, GOLD, or banking commands

      MONEYINV Credits held
      MONEYBANK Credits in all bank accounts
      MONEYTOTAL Total credits

      OOCLIMIT OOC points
      BOTTINGCOOLDOWN Bot cooldown time remaining (seconds)
      BOTTINGTIME Botting time (seconds)
      ROOMVNUM Room vnum
      ROOMNAME Room name
      ROOMEXITS Room available exits

      OPPONENTNAME Name of whoever you’re in ground combat with and focused on
      OPPONENTHEALTH Target’s HP percent
      OPPONENTHEALTHMAX Target’s maximum HP percent

      * Updates only at specific times to help promote fairness.
      CURRENTAMMO Current blaster ammo remaining
      MAXAMMO Maximum blaster ammo
      BLADEPOWER Current blade energy remaining
      GRENADEROUNDS Current grenade rounds remaining
      SHIELDENERGY Current shield energy remaining
      LIGHTTIME Current flashlight energy remaining
      MEDPACPOWER Current medpac bacta remaining

      PILOTING Determines if you are piloting (1) or not (0)
      SHIPSPEED Current speed
      SHIPMAXSPEED Maximum speed
      SHIPHULL Current hull strength
      SHIPMAXHULL Maximum hull strength
      SHIPSHIELD Current shield strength
      SHIPMAXSHIELD Maximum shield strength
      SHIPSYSNAME Current star system
      SHIPGALX Current star system’s X coordinate
      SHIPGALY Current star system’s Y coordinate
      SHIPSYSX Current sublight X coordinate position
      SHIPSYSY Current sublight Y coordinate position
      SHIPSYSZ Current sublight Z coordinate position
      SHIPHEADX X coordinate position your ship is coursing to
      SHIPHEADY Y coordinate position your ship is coursing to
      SHIPHEADZ Z coordinate position your ship is coursing to

    • Kirash Participant
      February 23, 2015 at 3:03 pm #24760

      Do you have a link to Johnson’s thread? I’m on my phone right now and can’t really search.

    • StormRyder Participant
      February 23, 2015 at 8:56 pm #24771

      mmk..lets see…clicked link and it’s a script…plugin menu for Zmud wants a file…grr

      How did you load it on Cmud? Sorry, like I said complete newb when it comes to plugins for Zmud.

    • Xerakon Moderator
      September 3, 2015 at 10:25 am #26885

      Updated.. unfortunately, I had to make a new link.
      Here’s the MSDP connector/puller for C/Zmud:

      To import:
      1. Copy the code into a text file (you can use notepad or the like) and then save it as whateveryouwant.xml
      2. In the Package Editor (click the Alias button to bring it up quickly), go to File > Import and import the XML file that you just saved the code into.
      3. Save the package editor, then enter ‘vreport’ on the command line. This will draw the MSDP data into the client, and then (after 1 second) force your score to be displayed to help fill out some of the data.

      Hope this helps!

    • Walldo Keymaster
      September 4, 2015 at 3:48 am #26886

      Thank you X!

    • Fishy Participant
      January 4, 2021 at 11:16 pm #32249

      MSDPVARS helpfile has gone missing, here’s the contents as of december 2020

      VARIABLE          DESCRIPTON           VARIABLE          DESCRIPTION
      CHARACTERNAME     Character name       TOPLEVEL          Mort/Wiz level
      SERVERID          Server name          CLASS             Main class
      SNIPPETVERSION    Snippet version      LEVELCOMBAT       Combat level
      AFFECTS           Affected by          LEVELPILOTING     Piloting level
      HEALTH            Hit points           LEVELENGINEERING  Engineering level
      HEALTHMAX         Maximum HP           LEVELHUNTING      Bounty hunting level
      MOVEMENT          Movement             LEVELSMUGGLING    Smuggling level
      MOVEMENTMAX       Maximum Movement     LEVELDIPLOMACY    Diplomacy level
      MANA              Force ponts          LEVELLEADERSHIP   Leadership level
      MANAMAX           Maximum force points LEVELFORCE        Force level
      WIMPY             Wimpy HP             LEVELESPIONAGE    Espionage level
      RACE              Race                 LEVELSLICER       Slicer level
      CLAN              Affiliation          LEVELMEDIC        Medical level
                                             LEVELSCIENCE      Science level
      STAT takes gear into account           COMMS INFORMATION
      STATPERM is only modified by           COMMCHANNEL       Comlink frequency
      training the stat and cybernetics      COMMENCRYPT       Comlink encryption
      AC                Armor
      HITROLL           Hitroll              CREDITS INFORMATION
      DAMROLL           Damroll              * Updates only with SCORE, GOLD, or
      STR               Strength             banking commands
      STRPERM           Base strength        MONEYINV          Credits held
      DEX               Dexterity            MONEYBANK         Credits - all accounts
      DEXPERM           Base dexterity       MONEYTOTAL        Total credits
      CON               Constitution         
      CONPERM           Base constitution    OOC AND ROOM INFORMATION
      INT               Intelligence         OOCLIMIT          OOC points
      INTPERM           Base intelligence    BOTTINGTIME       Bot time elapsed
      WIS               Wisdom               BOTTINGCOOLDOWN   Bot cooldown time left
      WISPERM           Base wisdom          ROOMVNUM          Room vnum
      CHA               Charisma             ROOMNAME          Room name
      CHAPERM           Base charisma        ROOMEXITS         Room available exits
      OPPONENTNAME      Name of whoever you're in ground combat with and focused on
      OPPONENTHEALTH    Target's HP percent
      OPPONENTHEALTHMAX Target's maximum HP percent
      * Updates only at specific times to help promote fairness.
      CURRENTAMMO       Current blaster ammo remaining
      MAXAMMO           Maximum blaster ammo
      BLADEPOWER        Current blade energy remaining
      GRENADEROUNDS     Current grenade rounds remaining
      SHIELDENERGY      Current shield energy remaining
      LIGHTTIME         Current flashlight energy remaining
      MEDPACPOWER       Current medpac bacta remaining
      PILOTING          Determines if you are piloting (1) or not (0)
      SHIPSPEED         Current speed
      SHIPMAXSPEED      Maximum speed
      SHIPENERGY        Current ship energy level
      SHIPMAXENERGY     Current ship maximum energy capacity
      SHIPHULL          Current hull strength
      SHIPMAXHULL       Maximum hull strength
      SHIPSHIELD        Current shield strength
      SHIPMAXSHIELD     Maximum shield strength
      SHIPSYSNAME       Current star system
      SHIPGALX          Current star system's X coordinate
      SHIPGALY          Current star system's Y coordinate
      SHIPSYSX          Current sublight X coordinate position
      SHIPSYSY          Current sublight Y coordinate position
      SHIPSYSZ          Current sublight Z coordinate position
      SHIPHEADX         X coordinate position your ship is coursing to
      SHIPHEADY         Y coordinate position your ship is coursing to
      SHIPHEADZ         Z coordinate position your ship is coursing to
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