Legends of the Jedi Forums Share Yo’ Scripts Still working on the mud client. I cannot finish the mapper.
This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by dacen.
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    • dacen Participant
      December 4, 2013 at 11:58 am #23125


      As you might know I’ve been working in a mud client, which includes a mapper tool.
      Now, I am really stuck in the mapper plugin, and after two months of trying, I came to the conclusion that I cannot do it properly without two absent MSDP variables (well, one absent and one incomplete).

      I really need:

      ROOMAREA – To know area changes, for example between Coruscant Underworld or Senate District.
      ROOMEXITS – The room exits are missing now the destination room number. Without this I cannot properly track the room changes and directions (to draw the map)…

      In fact, it would be very cool to also use a TABLE to bring this data (as is defined in “mapper” section of http://tintin.sourceforge.net/msdp), that would easy my work a lot.

      I’m trying to provide LotJ with a cool and modern client, because I love the game and I love programming, but if I cannot have this, I will need to drop the commitment.
      Any chance I can have a solution with this?


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