Legends of the Jedi Forums Newbie Watering Hole Previous Timelines?
This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by Baxtalo.
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    • Drone Participant
      September 27, 2015 at 8:52 am #26983

      Hey there, I just signed up for LOTJ yesterday and I’m really digging it so far. It’s not my first RPE mud, but it’s the first one I’ve done in the Star Wars universe (I’m a big old Star Wars geek, probably like most people here).

      I’m just wondering if there is any kind of record of the events that went on in previous timelines, just to read over and see what kind of neat things can happen in this game? Do the previous timelines influence the current one, or are we “rebooting” the universe at a certain chronological point with every timeline?

      And I assume the point of divergence between the “canon” Star Wars timeline and LOTJ’s is somewhere around 50ish years before A New Hope… is that correct?

    • Baxtalo Participant
      September 27, 2015 at 5:21 pm #26985

      The previous timelines don’t have any bearing on the current one we’re in. Essentially, we wipe the slate clean every time we start a new TL!

      Every TL is composed of three Eras, which are loosely classed, making Era 1 the “Old Republic” era, era 2 the “Empire” era, and era 3 being the “New Republic” era. That being said, we do not follow canon. Our story for this TL starts with the Sith War that happened before the TL began, though “record” of it can be found from news 126 and on in-game.

      There’s a couple threads that were put up for the last timeline in particular, and every now and then people will chat on OOC about certain past eras or TLs. The TL that just ended started with a Galactic Republic and the discovery of the Hapes Cluster. After the Hapan monarchy was killed off and Hapes Prime destroyed by the Sith Lord who had declared himself monarch, that Sith rose to be the Emperor of the new Galactic Empire. The Era 3 of last TL in particular sounds really interesting (I wasn’t around for it, though!) because smaller government clans ended up becoming the major powers in the universe, resulting in the Hutt Cartel emerging out on top. And then we topped things off with a bang with a world-destroyer, and some pirates, too!

      This one is very differently set up, starting out with a Sith War which almost destroyed the Galactic Republic, and a Trade Federation who emerged as a stabilizing force for planets far from the Republic’s seat of power. As for where it will lead… who knows! Generally, our timelines last for a year or two, with eras taking shape over months. That being said, things can change quickly in a short amount of time inside those eras.

      Anyway, some reminiscing about the most recent TL can be found here: http://www.legendsofthejedi.com/forums/topic/i-remember-when/ and http://www.legendsofthejedi.com/forums/topic/obligatory-who-were-you-last-timeline-thread/

      Glad to have you with us, Drone! Feel free to ask any questions as they come to you.

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